"She's the player, you're the game".

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Only when Sebastian walked inside of the tent carrying her, Nikolai allowed himself to slumped back his shoulders and an expression of defeat took over his features.
He was so physically tired, and yet he hadn't been able to sleep for weeks. Yet, months.
Especially not now that she was with the two of them.

The knot in his throat hardened and he tried to gulp it down as he chanted the protective spells around the clearing. One of the thestrals nudged on his shoulder while he was turning around, and he was received with a soft shrieking. The faintest of smiles hung from Nikolai's lips as he stroked the animal's neck, getting a low purr in return.

- You must be hungry. - He spoke in a whisper, and his eyes surveyed the terrain around them. The forest felt lively and the chirping birds were surely a better sound that the ones he had been listening to for the past few weeks. - We are going to have to get some food for you.

Just as he mumbled those words, Sebastian was walking out of the tent and into the clearing. His face reflected the same exhaustion that Nikolai felt, and for a moment he thought that Everleigh had finally awoken and he was running away from her hostile tongue.
But before he could inquire, the other boy was shaking his head.

- She is still asleep. - Nikolai felt a sliver of pity for Sebastian, minuscule almost, for an entire second. But then he remembered how broken she had been over him right before they left for the trials, and the sympathy was gone. - I'm going to go get something to eat. I won't be long.

Nikolai raised an eyebrow, tilting his head.

- No, I don't think so. - He was already getting rid of the thick robe and throwing it on the side, wand in hand. - I'll go get the food, you watch her.

- I said I'm going. - Sebastian hissed back through bared teeth. - I know how to disguise myself.

Something clicked. The auror finally turned around to face him, eyebrows dipping and eyes full of questions.

- When you talked to Murdock, you said you were an Animagus. - It was very imperceptible but Nikolai saw the twitch in the other boy's jaw. - A wolf.

- Your point?

- My point... - He took a step closer to him, and his gaze hardened. - ...is that you aren't registered.

- I think we are well past the bureaucratic rubbish. - But Nikolai kept looking at him, causing Sebastian to purse his lips in annoyance. - What the fuck are you staring at? Do you want a kiss or something?

Nikolai Volkov didn't lose control. Not ever. Being dominated by emotions was not something he partook in often, even when he was consumed by them. Not that he didn't know how to, but it had become part of his job to learn and deal with the outburst of sentiments. In the field, one mistake like that could be equal to one's death sentence.

However, just then, as he faced Sebastian Sallow, he couldn't help but entertain the thought of actually punching him. Instead, he smile sardonically, and never got rid of that look of defiance on his face.

- You got out of the pits after a week. I did on day five. Be sure to remember that. - He was provoking him, but he didn't care. - Oh, and Sallow. Make sure you get it together by the time that you are back.

The boy glared at him, but Nikolai was already walking towards the tent, away from his figure. In other circumstances he would've been inclined to teach him how to properly Occlude himself. Merlin knew it was necessary because he had been screwing up since they started this journey over a month ago.
But Sebastian refused to leave the animosity behind him, and Nikolai was frankly just exhausted of being the bigger person.

The Serpent and The Bird: Wheels of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now