"Realization Hits him." (Chapter 2)

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Ryder, Chase and Marshall are on their way to Mr. Porter's Cafe.

When they reached the cafe, Mr. Porter runs towards Ryder, panicking. "Oh, thank goodness you are here, Paw Patrol!" Said Mr. Porter. "We just get here on time too! Now I want you to step aside and let us do the job!" Mr. Porter and Alex do what Ryder said. "Now Marshall, get your hose so that we will stop the fire. And Chase, direct traffic!" "You got it, Ryder!" Said the two pups in unison.

~after the fire went out~

The fire is now declared down. Mr. Porter was relieved that his cafe did not burned down to pieces. "Thank you so much, Paw Patrol. Without you, my cafe would be burned down to pieces." Mr. Porter said with a grateful tone. "You are welcome Mr. Porter. Whenever you're in trouble, just yelp for help!"

Chase walks towards Marshall who stared at the bay for a long time. "Marshall? Are you ok?" Marshall came out to his senses and looked at Chase. A pink scarlet hue was showing a bit. "Huh? Oh, uhh, I'm ok. Just thinking of something." Marshall said with a sheepishly smile. If you realize that I want you to be mine, but there's no point. You like Skye, and I am here, thinking on what should I do to get over you. Marshall's thought was running on circles.

"Come on, pups. Let's get back to the Lookout!" Ryder said as he sat on his ATV.

The three drive towards the lookout.

All of the Pups are on the yard, continuing playing tag. But when they heard the sirens, they immediately see that Ryder, Chase and Marshall are back from their mission.

"So how did it go, guys?" Skye asks Marshall and Chase. After one of them explained. "Good thing the fire did not scatter everywhere in Adventure Bay." Rocky said. "Because if you did not stop the fire on time, it would have been a disaster!" Added Rubble.

Marshall is now tired after the mission, so he decided to go to his puphouse and get a good nap.

Chase, on the other hand, I mean, paw looks at the sky, thinking about Marshall's lost to contact in real-life. He never do something like that, spacing out and anything. But he notices that Marshall has a scarlet pink hues on both of his cheeks, the shepherd wondered.. Why was Marshall blushing? Is it because that he liked someone and then just thinking about it making him blush? The shepherd still thought about it.

It was now nighttime, on the certain puphouse, basically color blue, there's a lying Chase, who can't sleep due to the fact that he thinks why Marshall just blushed in front of him. Ugh, why? Chase groans in frustation. He decided to just stare at the sky with full of stars aligning. Wish that Marshall would talk to me like the last time. We are the best of friends and yet.. Chase sighs, as he wonder why Marshall can't take long talks anymore with him.

He decides to stay at the tree near his puphouse, and sighs.

Hours have passed, Chase was now half-asleep so he goes to his puphouse and falls asleep instantly.


The sun is now rising, it is now morning. The shepherd usually do some things so that all pups can wake up. But after waking other pups, one certain cockapoo goes to the shepherd.

"Chase?" Skye called him. "Yeah?" Chase answers back. "I need to tell you something.. in private." Chase was now nervous, more nervous than Marshall, that is. They go somewhere private but what they did not know is that one certain pup heard the two's conversations and decided to follow them.

(Before that ☝️ scene happened)
Marshall was now awake, thanks to Chase's loud, noisy Megaphone. Marshall followed the rest of the pups and he looked around not seeing Skye. I wonder where Skye is. As Marshall thought about it, he heard the cockapoo talking to Chase. Huh? He heard Skye's last two words "in private". Something fishy is going on with Skye. Chase and Skye are now on the way to their private place but Marshall, had a strange feeling so he decided to follow them, silently.

Chase and Skye are now behind that tree with a bush not too close to the tree so that Marshall can hear their whole conversation.

"Chase, I-I.." Skye stammers and just kiss Chase instantly without any hesitation. Chase, who have felt the feeling, melts into Skye's kiss. A certain pup in the bush saw all of the happenings.. including Skye kisses Chase.

The dalmatian was now in tears, not making a sound so that the two pups will not know. But he can't believe this, so he silently got out of the bush and came to the lookout running with tears that he cannot control.

I THOUGHT THAT IT'S MY TIME! MY TIME! Thought of Marshall with a breaking tone.

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