"Argument." (Chapter 6)

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"So, uhh.." Marshall stammers, Katie giggled a bit and just pat's Marshall's head. "Come on, Marshy! Don't be nervous about it. I'm the only one here. Well, me and Cali." Marshall laughed a bit and just straightforwardly goes to their conversation. The dally tells the story about two pups being the best of friends, and all of that. And also his origin.


The two pups are now back at the lookout, which is Skye and Chase. They see the three pups gather around. The couple decided to go to them. "What's going on here?" Said Chase. The three pups shakes their head as their answer to Chase's question. "Ok..? Y'all are weird." The shepherd and the cockapoo walked away.

Skye yawned, making Chase blush a bit because her yawn was cute. "It's time for my afternoon nap. You wanna come?" Skye looked at Chase. "No." With a calm tone. Skye smiled at him and walked towards her puphouse, and instantly fell asleep.

The shepherd goes under a tree a stays there for a bit.

For the past days, there have been no more missions, so the Paw Patrol can have their break after through all of that rescues.

Huh, this is weird without Marshall around. Oh golly, I miss him. Chase thoughts as he admire the view of the sea. What if I call him? I mean, he would answer. That's the thing I notice about him. Chase formed a slight grin to his face. "Chase to Marshall, are you there?" Chase said through his puptag. He sighed. Maybe he is busy, I think- He was interrupted by the voice coming through his puptag. It was Marshall. "What?" The dally said through his puptag. "Hey, buddy. I was wondering if we can have our buddies talk, at the beach." Chase could hear Marshall's sigh. "Ok, but don't bring Skye." The puptag went out after Marshall's sentence.

Why was he upset about Skye? Did she do something wrong with him? Chase thought as he walked towards the beach.


Marshall and Chase are now at the beach, standing just outside of the tide, admiring the beach with its beauty. "So, Marshall.. uh." Marshall just sits there, listening to what Chase will say. "You have been acting like I am a stranger to you. Is something wrong, buddy?" Worried was heard at Chase's tone.

"Um, no.. and did we have an agreement? That I cannot interfere my presence to your relationship?"
"Marshall, you're my best friend, and best friends need to know everything. Why are you being so distant to me after I dated Skye?"
"Because like I said, Chase. I don't want to be in the way with you and Skye!" An upset tone was heard by Marshall's.
"Why, Marshall, Why? Why are you afraid to show yourself to me?"
"BECAUSE I STILL LOVE YOU, OK!?" Marshall was now shouting, with anger.
Chase just froze into his spot. At first, he thought that Marshall was playing and joking, but after sometimes, he quickly realized that he is serious.
Marshall calmed himself down, wipes some of his tears to his cheeks. "So.." Marshall sniffs, "If you don't have anything to say now, I better just leave."

Marshall starts to walk away but then stops at his tracks. "Chase.." Chase turned around and looks at him. "..loving someone is not that very romantic. At first, it will be romantic, you do some couples do, etc. etc. But months or years go by, it will end up your heart broken. And there is no possibilities that you will gonna be friends again." Stated Marshall. "From now on, either friends or just partners within missions, I will treat you one. I'm just.. sorry for the way I confessed. It was so stupid of me to think that you loved me more than friends, Chase. Guess I was just thinking too much about the future, hehe." He added again, and started to walk away.

The shepherd's was still unable to move, this is too much for him. Too much that his own best friend has to treat him like a friend or even, just partners during missions. Chase still faces the beach, still admiring the view, and yet, still thinking about had Marshall said.

From now on, either friends or just partners within missions, I will treat you one.

Those words echoed through the shepherd's head. Marshall..and me.. the best of..friends.. The word 'friends' kinda make Chase's heart hurt. He has this feeling where he was with Marshall by his side all the time in the past. But he does not know yet.


While with Marshall, tears were still flowin' while going to Katie's. He entered the parlor and the girl saw the pup has tears, she immediately check on Marshall. "Are you ok, Marshall?" Katie asks. Marshall explained evrything that happened between him and Chase.

"Aw, that's sad and happy at the same time."
"Why happy?" Marshall makes a confused face.
"Because.. you confessed, about you still loving him even though he had a mate now."
Marshall chuckled at the girl's statement.
"It's just that, the world is very cruel. You never know if it gives you bad times."
"Yeah, I have been into that. But I promise myself that I am not gonna follow him around just to beg my love for him." Marshall was stunned. Katie has admired someone? Who was it? "Whaaaaaaaaaaa!?" Katie just blushed and chuckled.

"Who was this person, Katie?"
"Someone from my actual hometown, but I ain't tell the name!" Katie crosses her arms.
"And did I ask you about his name?" Marshall said it sarcastically and rolled his eyes playfully.

Marshall forgot about what just happened in the beach and he is having fun talking to Katie.


Chase was still on the beach, remembering about what happened hours ago. He decided to just shrugged it off and just go to the lookout, so he can rest. Suddenly he heard his puptag beeping.

"Chase, where are you?"
"I was at the beach, Ryder. I am on the way to the lookout."
"Oh, good. Skye was really worried about you going out."
"Really? Then tell her I'm on the way." Chase ends the call to Ryder. This is gonna be one tough life.

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