"Loving You WAS my Biggest Regret." (Chapter Finale)

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Chase and Marshall are now all alone inside on the lookout. The shepherd was still nervous to confess his actual love to the dalmatian.

"So, uh.." The shepherd just chuckled nervously. Marshall just formed a smile and looks at Chase. Oh, I've missed his smiles. He is always making me fall for him even more. The brown-pup thought.
"Ain't nothing to say, actually.." the dally stated, feeling nervous he is with his own crush- I mean, WAS his own crush.
"I, uh.. you want to watch a movie or something?" Shepherd talked to the dally.
"Um.." at first, he was hesitant to accept the shepherd's offer, but at the end, he accepted it.

They are watching a love story series, a boy who fell in love with the girl, and at the same time, he fell in love with the same gender as him. After the movie goes for a minute, Marshall was half-asleep, but instantly..
"Um, isn't that the person who almost took his life?" The shepherd stated.
"Uh, Marshall?" He looked at him, he realized that Marshall was now asleep. The shepherd just revealed his small pink hues to his both cheeks. Chase just.. stares at Marshall, who sleeps peacefully into the shepherd's shoulder. Dang, I..missed this moments.. where Marshall and I had this..beautiful and also..picture-perfect. He thought.

"Chase.. I-I still l-love you.." Chase perked his ears up when he heard those words. "..I-I know you still h-have S-skye, b-but just g-give me o-one chance.. please.." Marshall shed a tear, falls into Chase's paw.

"Wha.." Chase feels his paw a little wet, looked at Marshall and saw a tear into his eyes. "Tears..?" Chase sighed, knowing that him and Skye are not together anymore. He needs to build up his confidence to confess his actual feelings to him.

Chase turned off the screen, and carefully put Marshall into one of the beanbags. Chase lies down besides Marshall, with his one paw around the dally's waist, and fell asleep instantly.

Hours have passed, Ryder and the parents of the dally goes inside of the lookout when their eyes looked at both sleeping pups. They notice the shepherd's arm are on the dally's waist. "My, my.. this pup must really like Marshall." The wife stated.

"Actually, they treat one another as brothers. So yeah." The boy stated. Angelina looked at the boy. "If they are really brothers, not by blood, then explain to us why is that pup's arms are on my son's waist? Or something more was blooming inside of them?"

Ryder suprised of the wife's last sentence. "You mean, you accepted-"
"Ryder, we know Marshall even though we didn't see him for 12 whole years. And we even know that since he was little. He is a boy, but have a heart of a women, but sometimes, he has a heart of a men. Me and Charlie don't mind if Marshall's gay or not." Angelina puts her one paw onto her chest.
"And besides, Marshall's older brother dates the same gender and for Irish, who was into boys with good quality." The husband added.

Ryder just smiled at the statement of the two loving pups. "Actually, Marshall has a crush on him." Angelina and Charlie was suprised. "Oh, dear. I never knew Marsh is into shepherds." She giggled. "I didn't know that too until some days later." The boy also giggled.

"Let's leave them alone, for now. Oh, by the way, do you have a place to stay?" Ryder asks the two. "Yes, we do, but apparently, it's very far, not far enough, from this city. Mind say that our neighbors is.. uh, who was it again?" The wife asks her husband. "They called themselves Farmer Yumi and Farmer Al, I think.." the husband stated.

"Oh, you are besides Farmer Yumi and Al's farm and barn." The boy said. "Yeah. Oh, I wish we would have a transportation that we can go home right this instant." Charlie sighed. The boy got him thinking, what if he will make something for his buddy's parents?

"I don't think you can go home. After all, your feet must have been swollen after that walks for finding Marshall for the past months." The boy smiled. "You can just sleep here.. as long as you want, IF you're ok with it?" The boy added, and offered them to sleep at the lookout.

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