Chapter 3-A friend

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I anxiously stare at the electrical clock that rests atop my bed side table. I twiddle my thumbs nervously, processing the numbers:"10:45". He told me to meet him on the rooftop tonight. Should I? Curfew is 11, and I'm not really searching for trouble. He's going to tell me what the rumors's worth a shot....

I pull a black hoodie on over my head and tuck in my crimson hair. It's too obvious. I shove the room key into my front jacket pocket and glance over to Alexander. He's snoring loudly, turned towards the pale wall. I shove my feet into my plaid bed slippers and cautiously turn the doorknob. I push the door closed, cringing at the closing click. I tiptoe down the hall to the staircase entrance. Suddenly, a ray of light travels through the hall, inching its way up to where I stand. I freeze. The light oddly disappears. What? I'd expected to be caught. I take a deep breath and make my way up to the rooftop. The cold, refreshing, icy air softly brushes across my face. I let the door slam behind me, whipping around-completely surprised. I'm careless. Too careless. I sigh, sitting against the concrete wall. Enjoying the whispering winds, I close my eyes. Everything calms down around me, and I relax completely. Not a worry in the world....

• • • • • • •

Something abruptly shakes me, causing me to lurch forward and kick. I open my eyes to find someone doubled over and groaning.

"Sheesh! It's just me, Crimson!" Somebody explains. My eyes adjust to the dark, and I recognize his voice.

"You were late, Carson," I tease, smirking. He painfully smiles.

"I almost got caught by a hall patroller. Those guys can be very nasty," he jokes. I playfully punch me.

"So, let's get down to business," I say. He gives me a puzzling look. "The rumors. What are they?"

"Oh," he recovers, "they've calmed down a bit," he avoids the point, once again. I roll my eyes.

"Okay, but what are the topics of the rumors?" I correct myself and him both. They must be pretty bad if he's trying to avoid telling me this much. He is quiet for a moment.

"Some people have been saying you...did things with Aleister. He's the player of Vantelipa Academy, too. So it's super believable. But, if people knew your personality, they'd know it was all rumors! You're super sweet, and-and-"he stops. I see him blush even in the darkness. I rest my head on his shoulder. I know I've just met him, but I'm really exhausted. I notice that he's shaking with anger. I wouldn't blame him.

"Do you know my personality?" I teasingly ask. He looks at me seriously. I sigh. "Sorry," I apologize. He shakes his head.

"Know what else?"


"There's rumors that you're..'screwed up' or mentally insane. You know-your brother was bitten. They say you blocked everything out for years. But-I just don't see that-"

"That one's not completely wrong," I say. "I did block everything out. He was everything to me. I hate that woman," I explain. "I can sharply remember every detail of that night to this day. It's just a thing-I dunno.." I shrug. He takes his and rests it on my shoulder line. I scoot closer. Something about him just makes me feel closer. I feel as if I can trust him.

I suddenly hear a crinkling of plastic. I arch an eyebrow. Carson has a sandwich in his mouth. Already. I laugh. Something comes over me and I have an urge to shove his sandwich into his mouth. I reach out-but pull back. He looks at me confused. My hand shakes as I push his sandwich further into his mouth. He chews and swallows slowly. I blush. I sigh and settle in closer to him. He pulls me closer, too. Although the wind is blowing heavily, I'm as hot as Florida during the summer. I've missed Carson. I definitely had not expected to see him here, either.

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