Chapter 3-

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The Next Day.. You all stayed home to take a break, You woke up and went to the bathroom.. You finished then went to go to the kitchen. You saw food on the table and you smiled then sat down and waited for the others you were just on your phone, Minghao and Dino sits between you and you guys ate. You guys laughed and talked and finished eating, Some of them went to work to do stuff at the company while some of them stayed home.. You went to shower since You and Minghao are gonna hang out till afternoon.. It was 7 so y'all had time to spend together, You finished and changed into a outfit that Cheol bought you how sweet of him:)

You did some soft makeup and You wanted to make a bow tie on your hair so you asked Shua to help you and he showed you and you loved it

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You did some soft makeup and You wanted to make a bow tie on your hair so you asked Shua to help you and he showed you and you loved it.. You curled your hair and finished then grabbed your bag, You went in the car with Minghao and you guys drive to a mall. You guys went inside then you held hands with Minghao and he smiles and y'all went to a department store with clothes and you love buying clothes, You finished and Minghao paid for you and y'all went to get food and got tteokbokki and other kind food.. Yall finished and sat down to rest for a bit, You laid your head on Minghaos shoulder then Minghao said something "Y/N.. can I tell you something?" He said. "Hm?" You said then got up and looked into his eyes. "Um.. I heard that conversation with You and Joshua and I wanna say." Your heart was racing and you actually remembered what you said since you were drunk and you actually meant it but your frown went down.. "I like you as a friend I don't feel a connection to us.. I'm sorry we can be friends still though" He said then frowned and hugged you and You just nodded and y'all went back home and Minghao went to the company to do stuff and You stayed home, You washed your face and changed into shorts and you start tearing up.. You actually loved him and they were signs but you couldn't understand, Shua saw you and he went to you "Y/N what's wrong?" He said. Then sat by you "He doesn't like me" You said then you cry in Joshua's shirt and he gets sulky and rubs your back.. "It's okay he will confess soon I promise you, It's just he's not ready you know?" He said. You nod while he wipes your tears and gives you his drink and you thank him, You sniffle and just go on your phone and tell your private fans on twitter.

 You nod while he wipes your tears and gives you his drink and you thank him, You sniffle and just go on your phone and tell your private fans on twitter

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You saw a lot of positive comments and smile. And you calm down for awhile and just trust yourself that Minghao is just taking his time.. You made food to let all your nerves done and you feel better when you ate, The others came home and you saw Minghao but you just ignored him and went on your phone.. You decided to go live and you set up your phone, And you say hi to your fans and look at the comments.. Mingyu saw you so he sat by you and said hi to the carats the fans were surprised so Mingyu stayed with you, When Mingyu was talking you look into his eyes he looks into yours. And you look back at your phone flustered so you just smile,, Hes gonna go so he told the carats bye and he hugs you while you hug him. You smile and read comments "The way he looked into you eyes". You smile and cover your mouth since you were so flustered. It was getting late so you said bye to the carats and ended the live,, You washed up then laid down when finished.. You charged your phone and fell asleep right away, You were snoring softly reliving everything of what happen. You suddenly dreamed about Minghao but you couldn't wake up, You finally woke up sweating and panicking so you drank water to calm down.

The Next Morning, You washed up and changed into your cargo shorts and tank top.. You had another day off which means you have to film tomorrow,, You cooked ramen you weren't home alone but some members were here. You went to Jeonghan's room and he was laying down on his phone, You sat with him. And he saw you and smiled,, You turned on his AC and you laid with him and you played games with him on your guys phone. "You actually like Minghao?" He said, "Yea.." You said frowning, "It's okay he's just taking his time" He said.. You nod then go closer to Jeonghan since your like that clingy person, You went off your phone and slept on Jeonghan's chest. It was so cool in his room due to the AC which made you sleep well.. You woke up after 3 hrs of sleep while Jeonghan was still on his phone, You just went on your phone while on Jeonghan's chest.. Everyone was home while you were on Jeonghans bed with him still. Hoshi came in the room and saw you guys, "So cute" He said then made a noise which made yall laugh. You get up to go to the kitchen seeing the members cook, You go outside since you guys are eating outside. You made yourself an alcoholic drink because you wanna be drunk, You made the members try some and it was strong for them. The food was done so y'all ate, You were drunk already and your head was on the table. Cheol grabs your head and puts it on his shoulder, You drank some more and you became really drunk.. "Aigoo Y/N stop drinking already" Dino said, Minghao empties out your drink then you stand up and stare at DK and random swear at him.. The members started to laugh then DK hugs you and you rest your chin on his shoulder while hugging him too,, "Someone get her to bed" Cheol said.. Minghao assists then he carries you bridal style and brings you to your room and plops you nicely on the bed, Then he moves your hair to your ear and whispers into your ear saying "I'm sorry.. I love you" He smiles then goes back outside. You got up to throw up then you washed up after,, You fell on the floor which made you sleep there, Around 1am everyone was cleaning up and Mingyu comes to your room to get something and saw you on the floor. He laughs then picks you and puts you on the bed. All the lights were closed everyone was asleep, You were talking in your sleep nonstop and then Dino gets out of his and goes to you and calms you down.. After you calmed down Dino goes back to sleep and you fell asleep soundly.

To be continued...

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