Chapter 7-

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Next Morning, You wake up not seeing Minghao with you so you decide to text him.

You get up and do you business in the bathroom and your skincare, You walk to the kitchen seeing Scoups cooking for you since they all ate already

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You get up and do you business in the bathroom and your skincare, You walk to the kitchen seeing Scoups cooking for you since they all ate already. He sees you "Morning sleepyhead". He smiles and you walk to him and give him a hug, You go on your phone and wait for it to be done. Scoups hands you the food and you eat right away.. You finished and grabbed your plate and washed it, You go back to your room and lay down and put your blanket over you since you were feeling cold on a hot day for some reason. You felt your stomach feeling funny so you got up and threw up in the toilet, Suddenly someone held up your hair for you and caresses your back and it was Mingyu.. "It's okay Y/N let it out", You finished and wash your face then Mingyu helps you lay down to take your pills. You smile while he puts a cold compress on your head and massages you. Mingyu puts the blanket over you and leaves you alone
to rest.. Your body was aching a lot so you just fell asleep, Minghao just came home then Mingyu tells him what happened. He goes into the room seeing you and he felt so bad not being there for you,, He sits with you then holds your hand to make it warm. You woke up to see Minghao on his phone while holding your hand. "Minghao?" You said. He looks at you and says, "Hun, i'm so sorry u feeling alright?". He said. "No.. my body is sore and i feel like i'm burning up". You said while tearing up. He gets up and gets you a new cold compress and makes the AC colder, He kisses your cheek and massages your body.. You decided to sleep some more and Minghao stays by your side, Minghao tells you to wake up to take your medicine, He helps you sit up you take the medicine and water fast.. You then lay down and he puts healing oil on your back, chest and neck. Dinner was served but you didn't feel like eating but Minghao comes in to feed you soup, You felt relieved since it was so warm made your body calm.. Minghao continues to feed you. After you take your pills and fall asleep.

The Next Morning, You get up feeling better a bit but felt weak since your head was hurting bad,, You were walking unstable to the kitchen but nobody was awake yet.. You started crying because your head was making you dizzy, seeing random things and nauseous. You fell down on the floor putting your head down, Hoshi walks to the kitchen and sees you. "Y/N what's wrong, stop crying it's okay". He picked you up and carried you to your room and tries to calm you down but you couldn't breathe until your nose was clogged and your throat felt heavy which led you not able to talk,, Hoshi didn't know what to do so he called Minghao over. Minghao rushed over to you and gave you your inhaler and pills.. He called your manager telling you to change your schedule to next week due to your health. "Honey it's okay i'm here". He holds you close to his chest while you calm down, Minghao kisses your head and caresses your back he never saw you like this before which made him cancel his busy days,, You calmed down into his arms. "What bothered you babe?". You pointed to your head and he sulks while nodding. "Is it still sore". You made the 🤏🏻 head gesture.. He nods. "Hungry?". He said, You nod then he walks you to the dining table. You wait while on your phone. After 15 min, Minghao gives you soup and sits with you to feed you. He shows the thumbs up gesture and you nod which made him smile,, You finish then walk to your room to rest. Minghao lays with you and you cuddle with him.. You slept for 7 hours and you felt better right away, "How you feeling my love?" He said. "I feel better now, thank you *smiles*". He smiles back and kisses you on the lips and you did it back,, Next Day.. It was filming day for Going Seventeen!!, Today y'all are going to this place to do missions and win.. You all do your introduction and listen to the announcement, Minghao puts his arm around on you. The horn made a noise which made you run fast to find a mission, You were with your cameraman and you found a mission "You are evil, push away members that come close to you" (don't know if they did this kind of content but this is made up).. You met up with everyone and y'all start. You stayed far away from the members and you sat down on a bean bag on your phone.. "Y/N, come here". Mingyu said, You shake your head, Minghao walks to you and carries you. "Yah!". Everyone laughs, He puts you down and you back up away from them. Seungcheol signals you to come by y'all but you said no "It's probably her mission". Seungkwan said,, You nervously smile but everyone just shrugged. You were getting bored because of your mission so you went into a bedroom and fell asleep on it. After 1 hour you heard a horn noise but you were actually in a deep sleep. All you heard outside was laughs, cheering and noise, You forgot your mic was on and that the staff could hear you.. "Everyone Y/N is asleep find her immediately". They all laughed and try finding you,, Jun found you and yelled "I found her!". He shook you but you didn't respond, Everyone came in the room and giggled and they had a plan, "1, 2, 3"- Seungkwan counted down. They all screamed which made you jump. They all laughed "Why were you sleeping?"- Dino said. "My mission was boring I only had to stay away from y'all" You said while rolling your eyes. They laugh and said that was cute of you and now y'all can go home..

Next Next Day.. Today was your special solo!!.. You were going to Studio Choom to do a cover, The song you were doing was Tomboy by Destiny Rogers and you got permission to do a similar dance to Blackpink Lisa's dance but yours was more sexy then charismatic.

First one is your outfit don't worry you have safety shorts,, Second is your makeup

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First one is your outfit don't worry you have safety shorts,, Second is your makeup.. Third is your hair. (credits to the owners but these are found in pinterest). Scoups is gonna watch you since he monitors you and helps you with mistakes. Y'all arrive at Studio Choom and you loved the way it was set up, The lights were red and there was a chair.. You change into your outfit and they do your hair & makeup, You greeted your female backup dancers.. You finished but you were nervous, Your leg was shaking. Scoups goes to you.. "Y/N it's okay if you do mistakes that doesn't matter just go with it you can do this". Cheol said. He rubs your back and you smile and you sat on the chair to begin. You heard the music start,, You start doing sexy moves and your body moves to the beat and you focus on yourself and the camera. After 3 mins of dancing you finish and you bowed to everyone and Scoups was smiling ear to ear and you run to him and hug him. "You did it, I'm so proud of you no mistakes you did". You thank him then you checked the filming and You were pleased with it and loved it.

(this youtube video is inspired by her dance but more sexy) Credits to Lisa.

You went home tired and they said the video will be out in 3 days due to how early you finished it.. You watched your teaser of the vid and was happy with it,, After a long day you fall asleep.

To be continued...

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