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Porchay and Tankhun came to a conclussion if they wanted to show Kim that what he did was wrong and he was replacable, they needed someone to show him his place. So let's start hunting.


It was evening and after talking to Porchay, Tankhun decided it was time to put his plan in action. But he needs help if he wants to suceed in making his brother know he messed up big time.

So it's time to find an innocent acomplice and no one would be better than the one and only Porsche Kittisawat. Porsche would be prepared to beat up Kim without any trouble. Since his own guards where all pussy's and nobody could stop Porsche ones he's mad you know it's better to run than fight back especially when you made his precious little brother cry.

After all no one can say no to the Kittisawat brothers either even pa Korn is whipped for them. And maybe everyone in the Theerapanyakul mansion is a little scared of their sweet but scary outburst when one of them gets hurt or gets mad. And Kim would definitely die if Porsche knew that he broke his little innocent brothers heart for information about him. The sweet angels pour innocent soul broke by a evil devil, ha Kim better start running.


Porsche always wants to make Chay happy so he made a new rule and everyone agreed to it. Well they didn’t have a choice it was either they agree or face Porsche. So to give Chay a perfect family, or as good as this crazy mafia family could be perfect he created a new home for his little brother.

So since that day that the Kittisawat brothers officially became family, family dinner became a rule. Not only dinner but everymeal 3 times a day thay all had to be present to eat together. If one was missing Porsche would get mad and no one was safe, so scared to piss him off after messing up dinner ones everyone was present even Kim and pa Korn.

Porsche made this rule so that Chay could have a complete family and it would be a good bonding time cause everyone is always busy and their relationships could be better. Specialy after all the problems their little family war a few months ago created.


Tankhun’s pov.

Ah, it's time to put my plan in action, I'm gona love this drama, yeay this will be so good. "Little Chaychay are you ready, I want you to be extra dramatic and use a lot of tears, okay?"

Okay P'No says Porchay and he couldn’t be prouder of his little angel.

Porchay smiled innocently and nodded his head before entering the dinning room followed by Tankhun who was ready to cause some trouble. Afterall his nosy brother should be put in the spotlights to after he ruined his favorite drama by spoiling the end and hurting his baby.

Everyone took their place around the table. The kitchen staff started to serve their dinners but when they were about to give Kim his plate Tankhun started his favorite activity, he signs loudly and yelled.


Kim rolled his eyes watching his older brother being crazy again but little did he know he would regret his decision.

So the little brat doesn’t react, okay time for a follow up, haha brother you will never mess with me again. Tankhun thinks while smirking at Kim making the others confused but not enough to pull their attention.

Tankhun looked at Porchay and gave him the sighs, afterall he learned from the best how to get what he want's.

"Seriously nobody is gona ask what that brat did, pa say something, it's your fault afterall!"

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