Tankhun's plan

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Chay's pov.

When P'No entered my room I was shocked, I tried to hide my tearyface but it was to late he already saw it.

And trying to hide it wasn't an option as well when he said "Alright this is it, you tell me what's going on before I will just hang Kim of the balcony to make him talk. OOOIIII!! So what will it be?"

I saw the sad look in his eyes when he gave me a hug to make me feel better. He signed and gave me his signature smirk that for some reason everyone with Theerapanyakul as last name owns. Well they are a sceeming family afterall.

But what made me confused was that he was so ready to throw his own little brother under the bus for my sake. I knew he loved P'Kim but he still wanted to make me feel better and if that means he has to offer his brother to my hia for punishment than he would do it in style like he said.

So I ended up telling him everthing that happened between us from the Q&A, tutoring and eventually that we dated and he broke up with me.

I didn't dare to say how he broke my heart but it was to late because this house has eyes and ears everywhere so he saw how we broke up and I got left their crying my heart out.

After talking with P'No I felt a lot better and lore confident that I wasn't the problem in all this. After a while he started rambling about how to make him pay for what he did.

We where discussing for a while when he came up with this weard idea to find me a fake boyfriend. Honestly I was sceptical but ended up giving in anyway. It might be the only way to get over P'Kim. And his first idea to go to a club wasn't any better so I gave in to the "mission fake boyfriend" plan as he called it.

So when he said a fake boyfriend I immediately taught about Macau he is my bestfriend and family so it would be easier.

And asking someone strange to date you in a mafia family isn't a good idea afterall. Knowing my hia he would threaten him or give him hard test to see if he's ready to die for me. I shudder at my thoughts, no it's better if he asks his friend, atleast hia can't kill him right.

So I asked P'No if we could ask Macau to help us out. But he didn't agree "That brat, never, he will poisson your innocent brain."

Well it looks like I need to convince him and no one says no to my pleads and puppy eyes. "But P' he's my bestfriend and we go to the same college so we will be together all the time."

Well it looks like my puppy eyes worked cause he agreed afterall. One tear slipping out of my sad eyes and he started cooing at me to make me happy again. I love P'No he is like a second brother to me just like P'Pete, P'Vegas and those two noisy guards P'Pol and P'Arm. They are like my big brothers well I would like P'Kinn to if he didn’t steal my hia everyday. Pff he was my brother first.

Tankhun: "OI! I don't like it when someone is right, but your cute so why not ask that mini Vegas."

Okay now the only thing left is calling that devil's child P'No said when I tried to get a hold of Macau but he snatched my phone before I could answer the phone. I just know this wouldn’t end well as Macau always says weird things when I call him. Looking at P'No's face I knew he messed up again, Ah my weird friend did it again. He never learns.


Macau's pov.

Ow it looks like little Chayboy misses me ha, why else would you text me he my buddy?

Vegas: Why would he miss you brat, you are to annoying to miss, haha!

"Hey, hia that's mean and he does miss me why else would he text me to ask if he can call me when he said he would be to busy today to hang out he?" I raised my eyebrow at hia cause he is trying to annoye me just because P'Pete is at the main family's mansion visiting P'Porsche and the other two weird nerdy guards. But I guess ones he is P'Pete deprived I will be a victim of his bad moods again. Ah, I need a new brother maybe I should move in with Chay or adopt him so he van come life hear with me. Yes that's he comes to life here.

Vegas: You brat watch your tone when you talk to me or you will be sleeping in the dungeons for a month with no food or TV.

"Hia I will tell P'Pete that you are being mean and then you will have to sleep on the coutch again!" I stuck my tongue out cause he knows he's in trouble when P'Pete finds out. Haha, I have power over hia. But it didn't stop him from giving stupid comments again.

Vegas: Or he want's to tell you to find another friend, haha! He probably got tired of you and replaced you with Kim, haha!

Hia how can you say that or did you forget how Chay came here a while ago crying that Kim had broken his heart and he was to stupid to see how someone as cool as Kim deserved better? He even wanted to lock himself up in your dungeon because he said that's were usseles people belong?

Vegas: Ah, how can I forget, I had to ask my baby for help when he went on a trip with that crazy bird. And having a bambi marathon in a dungeon which is for killing ruins my mood, everytime I see little Porsche I want to kill Kim for hurting him. Vegas sighs.

Hia you would do that for Chay! What if I was the one he hurt would you kill that person to?

Well his answer was not what I expected "No, you stupid brat would probably deserve it but Porchay is to innocent to see what for a bastard Kim was."

Well it was true, I would see through his plans but Chay didn't grow up in a mafia family and always got protected by P'Porsche so he didn't know when people wee lying to him forr their own good.

I was busy thinking about what hia said when my phone went of and *Weirdchaychayboy* popt on my screen showing that Chay was calling.

Vegas: Put it on speaker let's see if he misses you?

"Sure I will proof that he does!" I stuck my tongue out and answered his call.

When I picked up I gave him my best pick up line, afterall it's fun seeing him blush. "Hello sugarbum do you miss your daddy!" And then I hear my cousin yell in my ears "YOU FILTY BRAT HOW DARE YOU POISIN MY BABY'S BABY INNOCENT EARS! YOUR JUST LIKE THAT DEVIL'S BROTHER OF YOURS, OI!"

Well if I was tired before, I'm wide awake now. From the corner of my eye I see hia laugh while holding his stomach with tears in his eyes.

Vegas: Haha, looks like the lunatic is the one who misses you, haha!

"AAAAHHHH! Hia I'm going to my room." When I was about to leave hia stole my phone and put it on back speaker afterall he's noisy.

"My lovely crazy cousin, why are you calling me with Chay's phone?"

Tankhun: Ow, why is that a problem to you, ha you little brat....

Before he could continue yelling I heard Chay interupt him and I got shocked again but not from that birds screams, no he wanted me to be his boyfriend.

Vegas: This is interesting but Porchay are you sure you want to go from an emotionless Kim to my idiot brother?

Chay: Sawdee Khrap P'Vegas, and no I mean as my fake boyfriend to get back at P'Kim! P'No says that if I want him to see what he lost I need to make him jealous and work for it.

"Well I think that it’s a good idea and this way I will be able to get back at Kim as well. I still haven't forgotten when he flirted with my crush last year to show he was more handsome than me. Aaahh, Kim it's my time to make you feel miserable, haha!" Pfff, I will show that bastard that I'm a better boyfriend for Chaychay than him and I know just how to push the right places to get back at you. Haha Kim you are in for a ride.

And since I know most of Kim's weak spots like his love for my bestfriend I will be a perfect imposter in his life. He wouldn’t have thought that I was so stupid to not see the look in his eyes everytime I'm close to Chay or alone with him. I see you dear cousin.

Tankhun: Okay little Vegas you better make me proud I will let you know later what you have to do!

With that said he ended the call, I looked at my hia and he had a weird look in his eyes and I knew that Kim was in trouble again. He will make sure to help out in getting revenge on Kim cause afterall no one hurts the Kittisawat brothers and gets away with it. They are maybe to scary to be on their bad sides as well, so we must help Chay.

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