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I thought being a supernatural person was very cool. You have the power and an unnatural ability no normal person possesses. You'll be more secure for your safety because you have the power to protect yourself.

Turns out that was all just misapprehension. That's what I thought when I was living at home, I lived in a place where it is more populated by normal human beings, so I haven't had the slightest idea what danger awaits me outside of its comfort. I wasn't ready for what was coming when I left home, All along I was living in a fool's paradise, denying the likelihood of danger that will surround me once I step out of the comfort of the place I grew up in.

I wasn't ready to die.

What happened last sunday was an eye opener for me. Almost dying.

When I was faced with that monster, They call it a harpy. I was so confident that I could take it, I was the first one to run after it. Eirene and Celestine followed me. I thought I could take it with my power. My thoughts were "I am an elemental, a fire dominant. Why would I be scared of a lady who turned into a bird?"

Well, She controls fire too, the harpy.

When it advanced to me at a very fast pace, I wasn't able to move. I got scared. Then it scratched me and it was the most painful thing I ever felt. Well, Physically.

I really thought it was my end, That I was going to die. Then I was pulled back from the darkness, which was death, by someone I completely have no Idea who.

She's beautiful, An angel like. makes me wonder if everyone here on campus is naturally just good looking.

She said her name's Elethea. She's Eirene's Cousin.

"Hey, How are you feeling?" Kali greeted me when she entered our room.

It's tuesday now, 2 days after that unfortunate night. I was instructed by ms. Ammara not to attend class and rest for two days.

Kali has been looking after me ever since, Blair, Eirene and Celestine too. They haven't let me go outside, they're concerned I wasn't well yet so they are being very protective.

I'm fine. I told them many times. My wound is healed and I feel fine. Thankfully, I'll get back to class tomorrow.

"I'm okay, Kal. I told you, I'm fine." I answered Kali.

"That's good. Here, I brought you food, you should eat." She handed me some food. I took it and started eating.

"Any news about the Harpy?" I asked. Since the harpy escaped, we have no idea what happened to it. Celestine told me that a stake penetrated it's chest during the attack, which she had no idea where it came from. Though even with the injury it still managed to fly and escape.

Ms Ammara said the supernatural authorities weren't able to track it down, but the guy the harpy was looking for, Identified as Anwir Tyrion, Is a known snatcher. He was a friend of the owner of the café that's why the harpy decided to go to that place to look for him.

That's all the information ms Ammara gave us. We didn't pry more.

"Still none. But it's not our problem to deal with, let the elite hunters look for it." She dismissed. I didn't say anything anymore. Kali was the one very affected by what happened, she may not have said it, but I can see it, the reason? I don't know.

Just as I was finishing my food, a knock on the door caught our attention, Kali stood up and opened it.

"Hey. Come in." She greeted, I am not able to see who it is though, when the person stepped inside, I gave her a genuine smile.

"Hey, Elethea." I greeted. I'm very grateful for her. She's the one who saved my life.

"Hi, Aelia. I just came by to ask how are you?" She walked near and sat infront of me.

"I'm great, Feeling like I wasn't attacked and almost died." I laughed. Elethea chuckled too.

Some may think I'm faking, but I really am fine. I should be traumatized, right? but I'm not. There's no reason to dwell, I'm alive and kicking. One thing I figured out? Danger could be everywhere so I have to improve my ability more in order to defend myself and other people.

"That's good to know." Elethea said. Kali excuses herself to the bathroom.

"Can I ask you something though?" I questioned her.

"Yeah. What is it?"

"Why did you save me?" At that, she looked at me confused.

"Cause you're dying?" She stated like it's the obvious reason.

"But why? You didn't know me."

"Should I suppose to know you first before saving you? I think not." I mean, she's right. But there's just something that's bothering me.

"Who told you I was dying?" She suddenly looked uneasy then looked away from me.

"Eirene." She silently answered.

"I don't think so." We heard Kali spoke. She just got out of the bathroom.
"Eirene was with us the whole time."

"She messaged me through the RWD." She explained. I don't believe her, and apparently, so as Kali.

"If there's one thing about Eirene that we all know, she do not bring her RWD when she goes out of campus." Kali said.

Elethea awkwardly coughed then scratched the back of her head.

"Okay, fine. A friend of mine saw what happened. So she informed me to go to the infirmary and check if I could help." She nervously explained.

"And this friend is?" I asked.

"Just someone. I don't think you have to know." She dismissed and stood up.
"I need to go, Ria is waiting for me. I'll see you two around." She make her way towards the door and turned around when I called her.

"Thank you again, for saving me." I told her.

"You're welcome, Aelia."

"Tell your friend, whoever it is. I said thank you, for asking you to check on me when I was bout to die." Although a part of me really wanted to know who it is, I decided not to pry more since it's obvious it's making elethea uncomfortable.

"I'll tell her." She smiled before exiting the room.

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