Part 13

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Yoongi sat by the pool, a cigarette dangling from his lips. He couldn't help but feel a wave of personal shame every time he lit one of these up. He knew it upset his girls that he still smoked and he really did want to quit. Now, however, with the concern, frustration, and annoyance building up inside of him, he for once wasn't considering their feelings. Y/n has been avoiding him ever since their disagreement that morning. What irritated him even more was it was a large house. Avoiding someone was far too easy. And so, he decided to do the same. He needed to be alone for a while to think. Which was why he came here. The pool was located in the basement, away from everything else. Y/n didn't like to come down here because the water scared her. And Jae Rin was still learning how to swim and only came down with him or Hoseok for lessons.

He looked at the pool, specifically at the deep end. He and Hoseok were both fantastic swimmers and often liked to use the pool for exercise. They've tried helping Y/n with her fear of the water by taking her down here to learn how to swim but the best she could do was go into the shallow end and keep her head out of the water. He had tried taking her into the deep end once, but she had panicked and clung to him while repeatedly saying "I can't do it! Please get me out!" He had of course complied, getting them out of the water and holding her until she stopped crying. He was patient, though. He knew what happened when she was little. Yet another traumatic childhood incident. Poor thing, she just can't catch a break.

Yoongi felt a familiar stab of guilt as he recalled that memory. It was this particular one that he felt somewhat responsible for. If he had just-

The door opened and a maid came in, startling Yoongi out of his thoughts. The girl looked at him and relief was visible on her face.

"There you are, sir! Hoseok's looking for you."

He blinked at her. "Is there a problem?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Hoseok had just entered the room looking at Yoongi with raised eyebrows. He sighed and turned to the maid. "Could you give us some time alone, please?" She nodded and bowed to them both before leaving the room.

Yoongi turned to Hoseok who was glaring at him disapprovingly. "Really?" He gestured to the cigarette.

"It's been a stressful day," Yoongi muttered before putting it out. "Where's Jae?"

"Playing in her room. Somi's looking after her. Now, what's going on with you? Because you only isolate yourself when something's bugging you."

Yoongi sighed feeling tears welling up in his eyes. "Baby, someone's bullying our Y/n. Multiple someone's to be exact. And she won't tell me who it is! She thinks I would just expel them! Can you believe that!"


Yoongi stared at him. "Come again?"

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Babe, I love you, but you have an overprotective momma bear side when it comes to those girls. Remember when that boy pushed Y/n down?"

Yoongi scoffed. "You make it sound like I threatened the little brat's life! Besides, he should've known better!"

"He was a 12-year-old kid. They never know better. Even if he did I really don't think threatening to fire his father was the way to handle it."

"Well, if that guy can't keep his kid in line, then I don't want him working for me anyway!"

"Again, he was 12."

Yoongi sighed and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "You know what, I think I've been away from that school long enough. I shouldn't not know what's going on in my own school. I'm gonna pay it a visit tomorrow."

"C'mon, Y/n! You have to come clubbing with us! It's weird here with just the three of us!"

Y/n held her phone out away from her head and winced as Kai practically shouted in her ear. She could hear music playing faintly in the background and knew he must be outside. Therefore, him shouting was completely unnecessary.

"You guys are weird everywhere. Also, I can hear you fine. No need to shatter my eardrum."

He chuckled. "Sorry. But come on, are you sure you don't wanna come? Sehun and Rosé are asking about you!"

Y/n's eyebrows shot up. "Really? Those guys just met me yesterday." She couldn't help but smile a little and it was heard in her voice, causing Kai's feral grin to return.

"What can I say? When those two meet someone they like they latch on."

Y/n giggled somewhat uncomfortably. She didn't really like a lot of spotlight on her. "Well, I'm flattered (I think) but I don't think I'd be very fun company there. I don't drink and to be honest being in such crowded places makes me claustrophobic. Besides, my cousin owns that club. If he finds out I snuck out and went there he'll skin me."

Kai sighed theatrically. "Suit yourself. But just so you know-"

He suddenly stopped abruptly. Y/n crinkled her brow in confusion. "You there?"

"Yeah. Sorry. Um, Y/n do you happen to know if Jungkook Jimin and Taehyung like to come here?"

"Oh sure, I've seen them in pictures on the security cameras. Yoongi was livid when he realized his bouncer let in underage kids. Called their parents. Didn't stop them from coming back though. Be careful to avoid the cameras by the way."

Kai nodded even though she couldn't see him. "So they do like to come here."

"When they don't have their lips pressed firmly against Namjoon's ass."

"That's what confuses me. He's never without his three little sidekicks. So why isn't he with them?"

Namjoon took another drag out of his cigarette, scowling darkly. He was home alone. Again. His hyung was working yet another double shift and his friends had all gone out. He had just finished listening to Jungkook whine at him through the phone about how he never wanted to go clubbing with them and he had angrily snapped that he didn't feel good and the last thing he needed was to get shit-faced the day before school. He had gotten straight A's since kindergarten; a habit he had no intention of breaking.

Besides, he hated that club with those tasteless, expensive-ass drinks and that cheesy music. Why should he waste his time going there? Even if it was with his three best friends.

"Kim Namjoon! How many times have I told you no smoking in the house?!"

Namjoon just about jumped out of his skin, looking up to see his very red-faced brother glaring down at him.

"Sorry," he muttered putting it out. "What are you doing here?"

He rolled his eyes. "I live here. Or have you forgotten that?"

Namjoon scowled at him. "I meant I thought you were working a double."

"Nancy came in early so they let me go early."

He nodded. "Great." Was all he said before standing up to go to his room. "Hold up! Didn't you eat dinner?" He must've just found the money he had left for him to order something. "I'm not hungry!" He shouted back. He heard him sigh before walking into the kitchen.

"DID YOU GET INTO THE BEER AGAIN?!?!" His brother's voice thundered through the house. Namjoon didn't answer and went into his room slamming the door behind him. He could hear his brother shouting furiously that he was grounded, but he couldn't give two fucks. It's not like he was gonna be around to actually enforce that punishment.

Namjoon lay down in bed; the scowl never leaving his face and only getting up when he heard Crookshanks meowing to come in. Another boring Sunday come and gone. Oh well. At least he still had tomorrow to look forward to.

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