Never Give Up !! (Angst-ish+smut

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"When you think the worlds , not on your side,..."

*So Mun's POV.*
I woke up with the WORST headache EVER. I didn't even want to get up at that point , but I could smell the yummy food that my grandpa made , so I had no choice but to get up.

'Maybe grandpa's food will make my headache go away,' I thought.

As I got ready, my grandpa yelled through my door , saying that grandma had made a mistake.

'I can never really catch a break , can I ?' I thought, as I sighed.

"WAS IT NUMBER ONE , OR NUMBER 2 ?" I yelled back to him.

He said it was a number 1, and I sighed in relief. I went to my grandparents' bedroom, and got a change of clothes for my grandma, and then I walked into the bathroom to help my grandma to change into her clothes. After that , I helped grandma back into the kitchen , so that we could eat breakfast.

"Mmm~ the breakfast smells very good , grandpa !" I said.

"Thank you , Mun. I hope you'll like it ," he told me.

"Of course I'll love it ! It's my grandpas cooking after all ," I replied.

"Dear , who is this boy , and what is he doing in our kitchen ? Get him out ! And go find Mun !" My grandma exclaimed.

She has memory problems , it's so bad , that she forgets that her own daughter is dead.

"Halmeoni(sorry if I spelled that wrong.) , it's me , I'm Mun ," I tell her , in hopes she would remember me. She replies with "oh really ? I'm sorry about that ," I sighed in relief , but that relief soon vanished when she smeared one of the dishes that Hal-abeoji had made.

"You liar ! Stop pretending to be Mun , and bring him back !" She screamed.

"Dear , you can't do that to Mun ! Here , wipe off that stuff with this , I'm sorry Mun ,"
He says, handing me a piece of paper

"Thank you , Hal-abeoji." I say while wiping the food off my face.

(Still Muns POV)
I was now in school , the very place I didn't want to be in right now. 'At least my headache doesn't hurt as much as before anymore ,' I thought. While I sat in my seat , everyone was staring at me. And I wondered why , so I looked down at my desk to see if anything was wrong , and then I saw a note. 'I wonder who wrote this to me ,' I think , as I pick up the note. I opened the note , and it read ,

"So Mun , meet me at my spare house after school. Don't. Be. Late. You got that ? The address: XXXXXX XXXXX XX. Shin Hyeok-u."

'Great. What does he possibly want with me now ?' I thought, while putting the note inside my jacket pocket. As I was walking out of my class , my friends ran up to me.

"Oh , hey guys , what's up ?" I say.
"Mun ! We— we heard that you got a note from Shin Hyeok-u ! What did it say ?! What did that bastard want with you ?!" They both said at the same time.
"Calm down , guys. It's nothing , I just— yeah , it's nothing. I'll deal with it , okay ? I won't get hurt , I promise." I say in a reassuring tone.
"Mun.... We're trying to help you , and you're just trying to push us away ! We want to help ! Sure , you can fight now , but we still care about you ! Tell us what he said , and we'll report it the the teachers ! You can't keep on doing this on your own ! Come on , Mun ! Please !" Says Im Joo Yeon. Kim Ung Min just nodded his head in agreement to Im Joo Yeon's words.
"Joo Yeon , Ung-Min , you guys don't understand. I already fought him before , and won. I can do it again , without getting hurt ! Please , just have faith in me. And I saved you guys from them , remember ? I don't need your help." I say. Both of they're expressions turned cold , as well as their voices.
"Fine. If you don't want us to help , we'll stop being your friend."
They say at the same time. Luck just isn't on my side today , huh ?
They both start walking away , "guys— please , just because I won't let you help me ?! Come back , please ! I— I'm sorry !"
I screamed to them. It was no use , they wouldn't listen to me anymore. 'Can this day get any better ?' I think.
As I was walking out of school , the school bullies kept cat-calling me , calling me words I'm not. I ignored them of course. But, as I said , luck isn't on my side today. They walked up to me , and grabbed my backpack. "C'mon!~ beat us up , Mun!" They teased as they tossed my backpack around. I wasn't having it , so I quickly punched the boy who had my backpack , and went on about my day. I suddenly got a call from Mo-Tak.

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