¿.The Unexpected Uncanny Counter? Fluff?))

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Muns POV.))
It was Saturday , and I decided to hang out with my friends , Im Ju Yeon and Kim Ung-min . It's been a while since we hung out , so I'm happy that we get to hang out today . We were eating snacks while at Im Yeon's home . We listened to music as well .

That was until I got a call from Mo Tak . I apologized to my friends and go outside to answer him .

".... What happened , Mo Tak? I didn't step in one as I usually do , so I'm assuming you're calling me for a total different reason, right ?" I ask him , waiting for his response .

"You're one smart kid . Yes, this is a totally different reason . We need you at the noodle shop , and quick . It's important . So get your Butt over here , punk !!" He answers . I laugh softly at what he calls me .

"I'm going ," I say , before hanging up . I walk back inside Im Yeon's room , and tell both Ung- Min and Im Yeon that I have to go. They both exchange looks of suspicion , before nodding. I apologize to them for leaving , before actually leaving . 'I wonder what could possibly be this important that they need me at the noodle shop , if they didn't even find an evil spirit .' I think to myself , as I quickly make my way to the noodle shop .

I finally make it to the noodle shop and walk inside . I'm met with Mo Tak seeming serious , Ha Na's face as blank as always , with a tint of wonder . And Ms. Chu's face , filled with worry . They were all sitting down at a table in the noodle shop.

Ms. Chu and the rest notice me walk in . "Ah , Mun ! You're finally here , come , sit down and I will explain why we wanted you here ," Ms. Chu says , pulling out a chair for me .

I nod , seeming a little nervous by what she wants to talk to me about . A million thoughts race through my mind as I sit down , thanking Ms. Chu.

There was a long silence .

"..... so.. what did you need to tell me , Ms. Chu ?" I say , turning my gaze towards her .

She seemed hesitant to speak , as if she didn't know how to explain to me in words . I remain patient with her , letting her think about how she was going to tell me what she wanted me to know .

"Well.. there's a new counter , Mun. We all know you know him—" she starts to say , before getting cut off by Ha Na.

"Basically , the new counter is Shin Hyeok-u . Your bully ." She says blankly . Ms. Chu nudges her .

"I was going to say that !" She exclaims.

I stare at all 3 of them in shock . 'Hyeok-u...? Why would he— why would he accept becoming a counter , knowing what he has done ?! And most of all , he was in a coma I didn't even know about ?!' I think to myself . I have to say something .

"... how come nobody told me he was in a coma ?." I say , recovering from my shock , as I look at them with anger , and worry in my eyes .

They suddenly all turn nervous . Mo Tak finally looked at me .

"Well ,.... The thing is punk ,.... He wasn't in a coma . He was in a similar situation like yours. Except , the man who was looking for a vessel never had a previous vessel . None of us know how that was even possible . But it is , and he will be meeting with us in a few minutes . Ha Na told him to meet us here , and he agreed ." He explains to me .

Shock seemed to go back to my face . 'He was in a similar situation as me ? And he's going to meet us here in a few minutes ? Did Ha Na tell him I was a counter ? No , he probably knows that already by now... wait . If he knows that , he would've told me .' A million thoughts run wild inside my head .

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