Accident.... Or mircale?(smut!!NOT hyeok x mun!!)

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This story WILL contain; So Mun x Ha na , so if u don't like the ship , please skip or don't read , until another one/shot comes out ! 😊😊😊
((Guys... I'm back!!))
//REQUESTED BY; @yjw2ksj \\

It was a usual Saturday morning , Mo Tak was... I don't even know... and I don't really care , and Ms. Chu was with Chairman Choi( is that his name?? I forgot.. the guy who liked Ms. Chu// the one who is in charge of the counters money, if yk, yk). All that was left, was Mun . He was with me , and we were training , or— perhaps , working out together . It was going pretty smoothly , and surprisingly , he wasn't slightly annoying today . That put me in a fair mood .

As I said before , all was great . I was practicing my kicks , and Mun was... being Mun , I guess . I practiced my kicks with my left leg , then my right , and so on .

Then , when I felt ready , I told Mun that if I kicked him once , I would win . It was sort of like a test . I started kicking with either leg , and he was dodging my kicks pretty well , he was moving backwards , and I kept going closer to him with every kick . until... I was raising my leg to do another kick again , when suddenly , I tripped on Muns foot . He let out a gasp of pain and surprise . He fell on the floor , his back facing it , and I lay on top of him . We were both utterly shocked .

Me and Ha Na were training/ working out together . All was going very smoothly , in my opinion . She then told me we were gonna do a little "test" , all I had to do was dodge her kicks . Pretty simple , right ? Wrong . She was pretty fast , it was good , but.. that resulted in her tripping over my foot . Or was it just because I was slow ? It didn't matter now , Because she was now laying on top of me , while my back faced the floor . 'She was on top of me . On my body !' I thought to myself . I felt myself get slightly hard...

Uh oh . She was going to read my mind !! What if— what if she reads THAT memory..?? Wh.. what will she think of me then ? Oh , pleaseee don't let it be that ! But luck was definitely NOT on my side today . Or at least— that's what I thought ,

I touched his body , and that resulted in me reading some of his previous memories , probably from 2 or 1 day(s) ago . I was shocked , and embarrassed , and appalled . I.. I really didn't expect THIS to be revealed... here I thought Mun was just another immature and annoying+innocent guy .... But I was obviously wrong . What I saw was him jerking off , while closing his eyes as he moaned in pleasure . At times , he would even grunt , groan , or moan out my name . He was most likely thinking of me , that's for sure .

Once I snapped out of it , I could see Mun , he was blushing intensely . I guess he figured out that I read THAT part of his memory... he looked so embarrassed , it was actually , and surprisingly quite cute and interesting . But , he did also seem a little angry , as he pushed me off of him , trying to walk away , he was probably feeling ashamed of himself .

Suddenly , without thinking , I got up , and walked over to him .

"Mun— wait !"

He didn't listen . Gosh , this stubborn idiot , I swear— I grabbed his wrist , flipping him over to look at me . He was a little confused , and then I kissed him . I wanted him to know that I felt the same way , even if the way I found out was a little... interesting , to say the least . The kiss was slightly longer than I intended , but it was a sweet , and tender kiss . He was shocked , but filled with pure bliss . He was so happy , you would have to be too blind to say he didn't look happy . A small smile appeared on my face when he smiled softly .

After a minute or two , I pulled away , we both panted slightly .

"We... we should Umm... let's.... take this to my room , yeah ?"
I asked him . We were both blushing furiously .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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