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The next morning I couldn't lie I was sore, stretching out I felt all my joints almost groan at me, I dragged myself to the bathroom and took a shower to try and relief some of the pain I was feeling.

I stared at myself in the mirror, looking at the bruises that littered my arms, I frowned knowing this was only going to cause more of the mini arguments between me and Emmett, I used my dressing gown to hide my body just in case I ran into dad on my way back to my room, I chose simple jeans and a jumper, I knew no one would question my outfit choice due to the cold and drizzly weather, I gave myself another once over in the mirror before heading downstairs,

"morning dad" I said cheerfully as I entered the kitchen and found dad in his usual place sipping coffee and reading the paper,

"morning kiddo, sleep well?" dad asked placing the paper down on the table, I grabbed myself a mug of coffee and sat opposite him,

"I did, best nights sleep I've had in ages actually" I said with a slight smile, trying not to grin as the memories of last night entered my head,

"that's good, we still on for tonight?" dad asked me, I grinned and nodded my head,

"of course we are dad, can't miss our birthday celebrations with the old man" I joked with him, he let out a chuckle,

"watch who your calling old man" he joked, I smiled and we fell into comfortable small talk while I finished my coffee and it was time to set off for school. The drive to school felt a little weird with there only being me in the truck, Bella would be riding with Edward no doubt, I was torn on whether to tell Bella about last night, we had no secrets between us but me and Bella were very different and in very different relationships, I knew from our conversations Edward was very, old fashioned and seemed to almost look down at mine and Emmett's physical relationship as we were a lot more affectionate with each other, I knew Edward would most likely know about last night but I imagined if anything he would only confront Em and not bring it up to anyone else, I pulled the truck to a stop in our usual parking space that me and Bella had unofficial claimed as our own, I quickly switched off the engine and grabbed my bag ignoring the pain that it caused my arm, to be honest due to last night I had nearly forgot about the incident at the Cullens, how quickly everything had gone from perfect to a disaster, I doubted Jasper would be in school today due to last night, I made a mental note to myself to make Em take me to him tonight, I had to make him see nothing was his fault and I was fine, a knock on the truck window made me jump pulling me back to reality, I turned and saw Bella stood with a slight frown on her face, I quickly opened the door and stood in front of her, slamming it behind me,

"morning Bells" I said giving her a slight smile,

"are you alright? You looked kind of...lost in thought then" Bella asked in a worried voice, I sent a small smile her way,

"I'm fine, I was just thinking about last night, how is everyone?" I asked Bella, she frowned as she linked her arm with my good one, I tried to the wince as her arm caught a bruise, but she didn't seem to notice as she almost dragged me to class,

"I'm not sure, I haven't seen anyone but Edward" Bella said, I nodded as we walked to class,

"did Emmett stay last night?" Bella asked as we walked into school with Edward following close behind, he seemed even more broody today, like he wasn't attached at the hip to Bella and didn't utter a word so far, I shook my head,

"no, he stayed for a bit, dad had to work but then he went to hunt after I presumed he went home after" I said and risked a glance to Edward to see a slight frown on his face, but no answer came from him, but that frown was all I needed, he hadn't gone home yet which meant Edward didn't know yet, I didn't worry just thinking he needed extra time to hunt due to the exposure to blood from the party and then the extra activities of the evening.

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