Chapter 1

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Twenty years have passed since the incident with Viktor, those who remember the events refuse to speak of it, others who were too young to remember simply call the events myths, exuses made up by the elders and elite of the town to move to the more prosperous city of Visara.
What's left of the small town is an empty reminder of what happened twenty years ago. Only two houses remain in decent condition, the former home of the town sheriff and the house of the late Viktor Bretcher.

A blind dog sits in the house of Viktor Bretcher waiting, listening for its food to arrive. The dog is rumored to be the scarlet demon, the creature that terrorized the town and caused all the inhabitants to flee, according to many who believe in the tale of Viktor's ill fate.

"Annie, food here"

A metallic tap is heard and the dog hurries over to its food bowl where a meal of canned dog food awaits. This has been done since she was a puppy, stumbling around and bumping into walls, only to be scooped by her smiling owner and set where she could wander again. Her tail wags as she feels thin spindly fingers scratch her back.

"Gonna have to make a food run, girl. Need you to stay put."

A series of clicks against the hardwood floors is heard as the owner of the blind German Shepherd heads to his bedroom, opening the closet and grabbing a coat and swapping out some shorts for some torn jeans. His closet is lacking in shoes, they were never really needed, closing the closet door the owner of Annie faces his reflection.

He never asked to become this, to become a monstrosity, to be feared by the public, to be called the scarlet demon, to be buried alive...

"...looking good... Viktor..."

It was the little things that kept him feeling human, kept him sane. A small home cooked meal, a new book taken from the bookstore at night, maybe occasionally sitting out near a party with loud music, just to see what's popular now.

He heads to the door, giving a small whistle to tell his dog he was heading out to get some food. Viktor didn't exactly enjoy stealing food, but he had to. The alternatives were either too risky or are too unpredictable. Theft was the only guaranteed way of obtaining food.

Looking out at the snow covered ghost town, he closes the door, stepping into the late December cold pulling up his hood and rubbing his hands together, it never really did help warm his hands, just something that became a habit over time, something he couldn't break. Even as a monstrosity, Viktor couldn't break his pointless habits. Checking his wrist even though he has no watch, rubbing his chin, eating with his fork in his left hand despite being right handed, he tried breaking them quite often, though he never really was successful at doing so.

The walk through the town was always lonely and full of memories, his tenth birthday, the day he got his first pet, a cat he named rover, the time his father took him fishing in the Breker river and...

He didn't like to think of his father's death.

By the time they could get him out of the water, he was already gone. Tangled up in the anchor... like a trapped animal...

"No... can't think negative thoughts, gotta stay positive."

Staying positive is the key to survival, a crushed soul is asking for trouble.

He had things to live for, Annie needed food and someone to take care of her and...


"What else...?"

There could be a cure for what he has, a way to be human again, it's not likely, but it's still possible.

Looking around Viktor realizes he's a mile away from home, on the side of the road

Where he can be seen...

Rushing into the brush, he takes cover, staying hidden from anyone that might be driving by.

Electric cars had replaced gasoline vehicles, they were cheaper, easier to manage and were quiet.

Too quiet...

An electric car can pass by and Viktor not even notice it happened if his attention isn't on the road when he's out in the open.

Seeing nothing, he steps back out of the brush, continuing his walk to Jerina. A small town right outside Visara, home to approximately seven thousand residents and a grocery store with ridiculous security measures.

But who could blame them? They've been robbed so many times the manager has lost count, she hasn't turned in the info to any law enforcement, waiting to see if any money is stolen.

Viktor never takes money from the places he breaks into, it's pointless to take it, not worth the paper it's pri-

A crackling noise from around the corner on the road.

Viktor rushes to the brush ducking low into cover and staying hidden as a red suv passes by, no one inside seeing him and continuing on their way to whatever destination they had.

"Too close... their getting quieter..."

Emerging from cover, he looks to see if the suv stops, then continues on his way to Jerina.

It would be dark by the time he arrived at the edge of town.

Just as he planned.

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