Chapter 3

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She couldn't get a scream out, something was dragging her and she was sure this was the end of her life. She had so much to live for, so much to do...

They'd probably find her torn apart in an alleyway, probably missing limbs and pieces because of whatever this thing is...

She wanted to grab onto something, a weapon or something to help her pull free from this thing, but she couldn't move a muscle, she was frozen in terror being dragged to her death.

Its hands were cold and boney, like something from a nightmare she had when she was little...

It haunted her over and over, she would be standing in a white room with a single large mirror, there would be this noise coming from a large vent and a low growl would come from it, then a shadow would break out of the vent, its eyes glowing against its dark body, all she could do was look at it while it reached at her and pulled her into the vent.

And she was living that nightmare right now in the alley behind her aunt's store...

"You're staying quiet... good job..."

"It's talking again... do I beg for mercy? Ask it to make it quick?"

"You're a quiet one..."

She mustered up enough courage to speak

"Please... I don't have anything to give you, just... just let me go, I won't tell anyone what happened"



"But I'm not letting you go just yet..."

She couldn't move, it wasn't gonna let her go...

It had something planned...

"Please, I'll do anything if you just let me go!"

"First be quiet... second... keep the back door unlocked and turn off the cameras once every two weeks."


"You heard me..."

"But... I can't do that, I'm not in charge, my aunt would kill me if I-"

It looked back at her, staring for what felt like hours then let go

"Tell anyone about me and we'll be taking a little trip to the woods where only one of us comes back..."

As quickly as it said that she got up and started running looking back after a second to see if it was running after her.

It was gone.

Just like that, it had vanished into thin air, like some kind of ghost...

Maybe that's what it was, some kind of ghost powerful enough to touch someone...

Stopping in the light from the rear entrance, she sits with her back against the wall trying to piece together what just happened.

Something broke into the store, started filling a large backpack with food and necessities...

"The backpack!!!"

Running inside she finds the backpack where it was left by the thing that attacked her and grabs it dragging it to the back door.

"Holy shit!!! How was it just carrying this like it was nothing?! This has to weigh a ton!!!"

Pushing it out the door, she peaks out the door to glimpse the creature walking to the backdoor, either coming for her or the backpack.

She jerks herself back inside and presses her back against the wall closing her eyes.

"It's coming for me... I just know it, it's toying with me, like a cat..."

Opening her eyes after a few seconds, she peaks out the door again to see the backpack gone.

She had been spared this time...

And she didn't feel like pressing her luck again.

Grabbing her phone, she looks at a text from her aunt

"Kristen Joan, why did I get a alert that the rear door had been opened???"

She quickly replied lying to her aunt that she thought she heard a dog and when she was going to check she tripped and the door had broken open.

Thankfully the door was old and her aunt believed her...

But how would she explain the missing food?

And what if that thing came back?

Sitting down, she endured her restless night, praying that she would survive long enough to see the light of day...

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