brance- artist

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Bruce was supposed to ask Vance for a pen. That was the exact reason he came to Vance's bedroom when they were supposed to stay in different rooms until they were done with their respective homework - it was the only way they could do it, else they just got distracted and never finished.

Bruce was supposed to ask Vance for a pen, but when he got to the door, he just froze.

Vance was painting. An assignment for his art class, by all odds. He didn't notice Bruce, focused on the brush strokes he was applying on the canvas. As for Bruce, he noticed everything about Vance.

The little splatters of paint that somehow got in his hair. The way his brow would furrow for a second, then relax just as fast. How his blue eyes were solely focused on his piece, not even giving a single glance to his palette, his hands knowing where to reach for the right color.

There was just the hint of a smile on his lips. Soft. Pink. And that beauty spot just above it... Never had anything deserved the name of beauty spot more.

There was something almost royal, Bruce thought, about the way Vance stood there. Back straight, shoulders relaxed. His arm moved with an elegant ease. Like it was the most natural thing. For Vance, it probably was - Bruce was no art connoisseur but he could recognise Vance's talent.

Surely, nature itself saw something in Vance, because right now the setting sunlight was going through the window and hit him just right, giving him a warm, glowing halo.

After some time - could have been a minute or an eternity, except it wasn't night yet so probably less than two hours - Vance put his brush down in a glass of water and looked up from his canvas.

When he saw Bruce, his face all but lit up with the brightest smile Bruce had ever seen, and that sparked fireworks in Bruce's chest. He could feel the heat of it reaching his face.

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