rinney- always here

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The sun was shining brightly over the local baseball field as the game reached its peak. Finney was up to bat, his eyes focused and determined. Robin, Vance, and Billy were in the stands, cheering him on, their voices blending with the crowd's excitement.

Finney swung hard at the pitch, and the crack of the bat echoed through the field. He took off running, his legs pumping with adrenaline as he rounded first base. As he approached second, his foot slipped on the dusty ground, sending him sprawling awkwardly. The crowd gasped, and a collective silence fell over the field as Finney didn't immediately get up.

Robin's heart leapt into his throat. He leapt over the fence, sprinting to Finney's side, Vance and Billy close behind him. Finney lay on the ground, clutching his leg, his face contorted in pain.

"Finney, can you hear me?" Robin's voice trembled as he knelt beside him, his hands hovering uncertainly.

Finney nodded, his eyes squeezed shut. "It hurts, Robin. It really hurts."

Robin's mind raced as the coach and medics arrived, assessing the injury. They carefully placed Finney on a stretcher, and Robin never let go of his hand as they carried him to the waiting ambulance. Vance and Billy followed closely, their faces etched with worry.

At the hospital, doctors confirmed Finney had a severe fracture and would need surgery. The news hit Robin hard, but he pushed his fear aside, focusing on being there for Finney. He held Finney's hand tightly as they wheeled him into surgery, whispering reassurances even as his own heart pounded with fear.

"I'll be right here when you wake up," Robin promised, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside him.

Hours passed in a blur. Robin paced the waiting room, his mind filled with worst-case scenarios. Vance and Billy tried to offer support, but Robin's focus was entirely on Finney. He couldn't bear the thought of something happening to the person he loved most.

Finally, the surgeon emerged, his face calm and reassuring. "The surgery went well. He's in recovery now, and you can see him soon."

Robin felt a wave of relief wash over him, his knees almost buckling. He thanked the doctor, and moments later, he was led into Finney's room. Finney lay in the bed, looking pale and tired but otherwise okay. Robin rushed to his side, taking his hand gently.

"Hey, you," Finney whispered, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"Hey," Robin replied, his voice choked with emotion. "You scared the hell out of me."

"I'm sorry," Finney said, his eyes welling up. "I didn't mean to."

Robin shook his head, tears spilling over. "No, don't apologize. I'm just so glad you're okay."

Vance and Billy entered the room, their expressions softening when they saw Finney awake. They each took a turn squeezing his shoulder and offering words of encouragement. But it was clear that Robin was the anchor, the one who couldn't leave Finney's side.

Days turned into a week, and Robin never left the hospital once. He slept in the uncomfortable chair beside Finney's bed, surviving on hospital food and caffeine. He kept a constant vigil, holding Finney's hand, reading to him, and keeping him company through the pain and recovery.

Vance and Billy took turns bringing meals and keeping Robin company, their support unwavering. They knew how much Finney meant to Robin, and they wanted to ensure he had the strength to keep going.

One evening, as the sun set and the hospital quieted, Finney looked over at Robin, his eyes filled with gratitude. "You didn't have to stay the whole time, you know."

Robin shook his head, his eyes soft but determined. "Yes, I did. I couldn't leave you alone. Not when you needed me."

Finney's eyes welled up with tears. "Thank you, Robin. For everything."

Robin leaned in, kissing Finney's forehead. "Always. I'm not going anywhere."

As Finney's recovery progressed, Robin continued to stay by his side, his presence a constant source of comfort and strength. The bond between them deepened, forged in the fires of love and unwavering support.

Eventually, the day came when Finney was well enough to go home. Robin helped him into the wheelchair, and Vance and Billy were there to assist. As they left the hospital, Finney looked up at Robin, his eyes shining with love and gratitude.

"I'm so lucky to have you," Finney said softly.

Robin smiled, his heart full. "No, Finney. I'm the lucky one."

And with that, they stepped into the future together, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them side by side, their love and friendship stronger than ever.

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