big brother

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idk what this is but i'm inlove w the idea of Finney being an only parent then meeting Robin Bruce Vance Griffin n Billy n they show him how to 'love' n take care of him etc??? sounds corny

someone make it💞💞

"Cmon Gwenny, you can only pick one baby."

"Why can't i have both Finney?" Gwen said with a small pout on her face.

"Because we only have enough money for one. We can either get soda that'll last a week or a candy bar that'll last two days, honey, not both." Finney said kneeling down to her level.

"Please can i get both? I promise i'll clean my toys when i get home." She said, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Gwenny but only one this week, but i promise when we're home you can watch as many cartoons as you want."

"Really?" She said excitement in her tone.

"Yeah, cmon we gotta go pay now." Finney said lifting Gwen up and placing her on his hip.

Ever his both of Finney's parent has passed away, he has been a father figure for Gwen learning how to braid hair, taking her to and from day-care, cooking for her and buying her everything she needed, even if that meant Finney couldn't have anything. He couldn't even remember the last time he has a cooked meal from someone that wasn't him or the last time he cried in someone's arms.

But he knew he couldn't have any of that for Gwens sake, he couldn't act like a scared little boy in front of his 4 year old sister.

"Finney?" Gwen mumbled half asleep head resting his shoulder.


"Can my friend from play come round tomorrow?"

"Of course Gwenny, she can come round when ever she likes but you have to tell her that she can't have dinner because we don't have enough food okay?"

"She can share with me." Gwen said with a sheepish smile.


Finneys eyes flutter open, the sun shining from the windows making his eyes squint. He groaned, he didn't feel like waking up but he knew he had to. He didn't want to be late for school and he didn't want Gwen to be late for day-care.

He got up and quickly had a shower, got dressed and did his hair then decided to get Gwen up and ready.

"Gwenny." He said softly, gently shaking her.

Gwen's eye's fluttered open and she rubbed her eyes with her tiny fists.

"Finney?" She mumbled, still half asleep.

"Yeah it's me baby, cmon we gotta get you ready."

"No day-care today." She said, a small frown appearing on her face.

"You don't wanna go to day-care today?"

Gwen shook her head. "Please, we watch films all day."

He contemplated the idea for a minute, no day-care would mean he wouldn't have to walk in the cold to drop her off and then walk to school, it also means that he could stay in the warmth of his own home with his little sister.

"Okay honey, just for today though okay? And we can even go to the grab n go and get some popcorn for you."

"Really?" Her eyes, glistened with hope.

"Yeah of course, when we go to the shops you can even stay in your pyjamas."

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