Chapter 7

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Jimmy's POV

"A ball!?" I yelled ecstatically. (I fucking hate spelling that word) "yes! At House Blossom, The Overgrown." Lizzie replied also Delighted with the news. "Me and Joel are going together." She continued. "Are you and Scott going with each other?" She questioned with a big grin on her face. "Maybe." I mumbled looking at the floor, I little embarrassed.

Katherine's POV

"Scott, you're asking him for a dance at the ball!" I instructed the elf. "You can't leave him stranded, alone with no one to dance with." I continued. "What if he says 'no'." He curled into a ball by his bed. "You're a baby. From what I've heard, (Lizzie) He has a thing for elven kings with deer antlers and cyan hair." I sat down beside him. "Really!?" He looked up. I hummed in agreement. "Jimmy adores you and will absolutely want to dance with you." I nudged him, in a playful way.

Time skip - the ball

3rd person POV

"You're doing it wrong!" Lizzie argued. "He looks stupid with a middle parting." She continued to criticise Joel, who's brushing Jim's hair. "You doing it from the side, like usual." She helps her husband. "You look very nice Jimmy." Pearl said, sitting across from the blonde. "You think?" Joel replied to Pearl's statement. "Hush small man!" Lizzie barks. (not literally)

"Ribbons?" Katherine questions the cyan haired man. "It's Rivendell tradition for ribbons to be displayed on antlers as a sign of affection." Scott said looking in the mirror putting a strand of lime green ribbon on his left antler. "Cool history fact." Shrub smiled. "So I know the green one represents Jimmy and the Cyan one represents you but the light blue one?" Katherine questions the elf man. "Oh that's for Tara. She's a little ball of sunshine and she's adorable. (Not romantically) I love her to bits, so I got her a ribbon. "Isn't she one of the cod hybrids that live in The Cod empire orphanage?" Gem said. "I've seen Jimmy and her together when I've been to The Cod Empire." She carried on.

The ball was going smoothly, everyone laughing, dancing and having a good time. "Jimmy?" Scott rushed over to the Cod hybrid. "Would you like to dance with me?" He asks, shyly. "Umm.." Jimmy froze up a little flustered by the question."Come on, Jimmy. He's waiting." Short king, Joel whispered to him. (Jimmy) "Yeah, I'd love to dance with you." Jimmy smiled at the elf man. They rushed to the dance floor and began to waltz around in time as a slow, romantic song played through their ears. "You put ribbons on your antlers." Jimmy pointed out. "Yeah, it's for the people I love the most.
Xornoth, you and Tara." He smiled at the blonde, still waltzing around, both hands on Jimmy's hips and Jimmy's hands being on Scott's shoulders. "She's a good kid." Jimmy said. "Aren't you going to adopt her?" Scott asks him. "I'm not sure, will I be a good father?" Jimmy asks. "You will be." Scott smiles. "I love you.." Jimmy said. "I know and I do as well." Scott twirled
Jimmy around. "Do you love me or love yourself?" Jimmy looked at the Cyan haired man. "Myself, obviously." He said jokingly. "Aw- wait what!?" Jimmy pretends to be offended. "No, Dear I love you." He brings Jimmy close. "May I kiss you?" Jimmy asks. "Sure, my love." They proceed to kiss.

I found out this story is ranked two for empire smp! I'm so happy! :)
Word count:592

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