Chapter 9

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Jimmy's POV

I woke up to a different bedroom to my own. It was more elegant made out of quartz and spruce with cyan details. "Good morning, Sunshine." I heard Scott say, he was sat up in the bed, reading a book. "Hi, what happened yesterday?" I said groggily. "Nothing really, it's was Katherine's ball, you got drunk and you also threw up. He said, putting his book down. "Oh." I remember most of the event. "Why am I in your bed?" I ask him. "You followed me home." He smirked a little. I became red in the face. "I'll take you home." He got out of his bed and started getting ready in his Rivendell attire in front of me. I blushed and hid my face behind the bed covers.

"You'll need to borrow these as you done have any clothes to wear. They might be to big for you tho." Scott put some clothes on the edge of the bed. "What about my clothes I was in yesterday?" I asked looking at him then the clothes. "You threw up in them, I washed them for you." He said leaving me with his clothes in his room. "I'll be downstairs, Petal." I got out of bed when I heard the footsteps get quieter.

The clothes didn't fit well but they were good enough. I walked around Scott's room, looking at the shelf full of trinkets, bottles and a book filled with pictures of him and his brother as children, I think.

"Ya done snooping?" I heard his voice, he sounded a little annoyed and a sarcastic. "Sorry." I put the book back and headed towards the cyan haired man. "'Least you didn't find my 'special items' he smirked as he headed back downstairs and I followed him, a little puzzled at what he said.

As we walked to the Cod Empire I asked him about his brother? "Xornoth? He's alright he used to bully me a lot when we were younger." He kept looking forward. "I don't think I could ever have a brother, we'll Joel is kinda like a brother." I smiled. "How is having a sister?" Scott looked at me. "Eh, she cares a lot and is supportive." I said, Scott smiled and nodded.

We were quiet most of the way too my empire.

"Why don't we do something fun?" Scott asked while smiling at me. "Like what?" I responded back. "We can go to a flower garden, I heard Katherine made one not far from here." Scott said. "I like the idea of it." I smiled at the elf/elven man.(which is it?)

"Mind your step." Scott said while grabbing onto my hand as we crossed a small river to get to Kathrine's flower garden. "You nearly tripped me." I pouted at him, he just playfully laughed at my face. "Darling, you don't need to make that face." His laugh became more of a snicker as we kept on walking.

"It's beautiful!" I exclaimed as I ran into the big, pretty fairy, flower garden. "Scott, there's a maze as well!" I yelled before entering the hedge maze which was covered in different colours of roses.

"Sunshine, where did you go?" Scott called out to me. "I'm over here, Petal." I called back.

"Petal?" I called for Scott, 5 minutes later. "Over here." He called back. The calls repeat multiple times until we both found each other. It began sunsetting and I became a little worried that we were going to be stuck here. "Scott, I think we're lost." I told the cyan haired elf. "We'll get out soon." He said while plucking out a red rose and giving it to me.

After what felt like years we finally got out of the maze. Night had fell and Scott had guided us to a tavern close by.

Scott's POV

"Hi, welcome to the LittleWood Tavern." I girl sang out to us as we entered. "Do you mind if we stay for the night?" Scott asked the girl behind the bar. "Oh sure, how many rooms will it be?" She asked, before refilling a customer's glass. I felt a hand grabbed my robes. I looked to find Jimmy's hand bleeding.

"Sunshine, are you alright?" I asked the cod hybrid. He nodded while clutching the rose harder. "The rose thorns must have cut your skin, you're holding onto it tight."

"Miss, we'll take one room and do you have anything to help him with his hands?" I asked the bartender.

"Sure, I have a rag that I might help and for the room, it'll be 10 coins per night." She handed over the damped rag and a small brass key which has a long piece of spring attached. "It's up the stairs, second door on the left." She smiled. "I only have Rivendell coins, if that's alright." I slide over a Rivendell coins towards the bartender and picked up the key.

"Rivendell, I see? That explains the heavy winter attire you have but what about you?" She asks Jimmy. "Cod Empire." Jimmy said slightly behind me. "Cod Empire?" She looked a little surprised. "The emperor, is he in a relationship with the Rivendell king?" She asks. I was shocked. "Umm.. Maybe?" I shrugged.

"You must know, you too are in their empires." Jimmy past the rag back over the bar. "How did you find out about them?" Jimmy asked. "The Ocean Queen talked about it and it got past around." She smiled. "Jim.." I looked at Jimmy, almost wanting to murder him. "I'm going to kill your sister." I said to him.

3rd Person's POV

"Your sister is the Ocean Queen!?" The bartender announced. Jimmy nodded, slowly. "Wait that means.."

"You're James, emperor of the Cod Empire." A man at the bar said looking at the three. Jimmy nodded, slowly again. "That means, you are Scott, leader of Rivendell." The bartender was shook.

I've finally got round to finish a chapter of a book :)
Word count:998

Also If you have any ships from other fandoms, please do tell me them, I'm running out of ships :(
Word count after this:1022

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