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"She's finally tucked in?" Seungcheol stood against the wall of the small dorm that they lived in. All of the members were spread out on the floor Soonyoung, Mingyu, and Jihoon being the ones asleep. It had been a long flight, it was a miracle even Dokeyom's eyes were wide open what helped was Seunkwan had shared his Americano with the group like their very own Caffeine drip.

"Took a bit though she kept asking if she could stay up longer". Minghao and Jun sat down next to a tired-eyed Joshua who immediately made room on one of the small couches.

"She wants to stay up longer Hyung did you give her the Coffee"

"Aish shut up Chan we have more important stuff going on". As if to settle whatever he just said Seungkwan took a sip of the liquid. He shook for a second. Maybe the coffee was going to his brain.

"Ok, Jihoon and I have had experiences with her nightmares now". Jeonghan said, "I think it's time we talk to her again". The group well the ones who were still awake took a second to respond. They had tried talking to her once. She ended up crying so much that she was given whatever she wanted for the rest of the day.

Jeonghan rubbed his eyes, he didn't want to see his baby crying or in so much pain like the night he found her.

"Then if someone were to talk to her it should be you and Josh". The leader stood by the wall his arms crossed over his chest thinking.

"I was thinking Minghao". Joshua put in "and Jun".

Seungcheol was quick to shake his head firmly. Ha-Yoon needed to be talked to at the level of someone to who she can talk the most.

"Tomorrow when Noona picks her up from the Kindergarten we can tell her for tonight we have to get to bed".

And like that Seungcheol sent the ones who weren't asleep to bed. And engaged in the agonizing task of waking the Three who were asleep up.

. . .

"APPA GYU CHOCO DOES LIKE CEREAL". Ha-Yoon exclaimed a plate of rice crispy treats sat in a pink kids' bowl in front of her. She held Choco to her chest glaring at the man in front of her.

"I know kiddo but Jihoon woke you up late so I couldn't prepare anything else Sorry". Ha-Yoon huffed sticking her tongue out. Before eating grudgingly the Cereal before her.

"Good morning!". Soonyoung yelled rushing forward and placing a kiss on her head. He was holding his dance practice bag. While the rest of the performance team followed wearily.


Wonwoo who was on the couch rubbed his temples. He could hear her through his Headphone. Though her loud voice was a blessing in the morning. Their very own alarm. Normally he would reprimand her for yelling so loud. But today he figured he could let it slide. That is if The short sour man beside him would let her.


"Yes, kiddo". He sighed.

"Can I go watch TV"? She grinned showing her five-year-old smile that said. I'm Cute give me what I want.

"After you finish eating".

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