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The day passed on slowly. Ha-Yoon went on with her normal routine during the day. in the middle of the afternoon, she watched her dads compete in Going Seventeen. Since she was now known to Carats she played on the floor while she cheered them on. 

then it was time for her least favorite part of the day. Nap Time. 

Finally, in the evening She sat with Jun on the floor coloring. 

"you did It wrong it's Supposed to be pink". She spoke with the sort of authority only a five-year-old would have. 

Jun looked confused and slightly taken aback. 

"It could be blue-". 


Seungkwan laughed furiously from where he stood by the kitchen table almost snorting out his iced americano. He composed himself to text back a friend furiously on the phone. 

"let's let Jun do whatever color he wants Sweetie"> Seungkwan said, but he still grinned. It wasn't often that Jun was told off by a kid. But it was a moment that would live on forever. 

"Papa Blue weird". 


this caused Seungkwan to laugh louder quickly swallowing his drink.  Joshua and Jeonghan joined the two on the floor they had returned early from recording with Jihoon. they needed to talk. they were prepared. 

Preppared meaning Jeonghan simply spoiled her today. both got her two sets of plushies that now lay abandoned on the floor beside her. 

"let's let Jun do what he wants".

"He's Weird".

"and that's a good thing". Jeonghaan said. 


Keoghan was quick to pick her up holding her in his arms. maybe the nightmare talk could wait. 

"is someone whiney? do you want a nap">It was probably too little sleep. It was catching up which meant the talk would be pushed up more. 


I took a hiatus but ill be back now!.

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