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It was now wednesday, and I'm back on class. I am now in physical training class.

Here, We train our physical strength and supernatural powers. I am currently manipulating a fireball in my palm, and I'm trying to make it bigger and bigger.The first time I tried this, I can only create a fireball the same size as my fist, Now it grew bigger to like the size of my head. It means I'm improving.

Currently I'm in one side of the training ground with some other elementals.

I am feeling the tiredness, been on this for the past 30-40 minutes. So when Professor Elbrus instructed us class is over, I let go a deep exhale in relief.

I need sleep. Maintaining that fireball surely suck the energy out of me.

I quickly exited the training ground and walked my way to the dorms which is about 10 minutes away.

When I passed by the field, I stopped on my tracks when someone walked infront of me, blocking my way.

It's Izel. I groaned, what does she want now?

"Fireheart." She called.

"Yeah?" I shortly respond.

"Can we talk?" She coldly asked me which sent shivers down my spine. I'm taller than her but the aura she emanates is so scary that it made me step backwards.

"About what?" I said feigning confidence to not appear weak in front of her.

"I believe you saw my request last week?" She nonchalantly answered, remembering the duel invitation, I gulped discreetly.

"I did."

"And you haven't responded?" She sassily spoke giving the impression that it's my obligation to do so.

"Cause I don't want to."

She smirked, a scary one that I felt my knees tremble.

Get it together Aelia. I said to myself.

"Look Izel," I firmly stated looking her straight in the eyes. "I don't know what your problem with me is, But I'm not looking for trouble."

"Well, If you don't want trouble then accept my duel invite. Unless..." She trails off "you're scared?" She intimidatingly leaned close in my face.

"I'm not scared of you." I dismissed.
"I just don't want to give you the satisfaction of fighting me just because of your jealousy."

"I'm not jealous of you." I saw fire burning in her eyes. I think I pissed her off.

"Are you?" I challengingly said, that pissed her off more.
"This is because of Kali right?" She didn't respond, but I saw her jaw clench and unclench.

"You cheated on her, I heard." I don't know where I'm getting this much courage. I guess I'm just really tired and have no time to deal with anyone's bullshit as of the moment.

"That's none of your business newbie."

"It shouldn't be. But since you're here trying to involve me in whatever shit you two have going on then It might as well be my business too."

"You're a brave one, I give you that."

I scoffed in her face.
"Fuck off!" I said then attempted to walk past her when she grabbed my arm harshly, she's strong. Very strong or I'm just really weak, I struggled to escape her grasp but she's holding me very tightly that I think my arm will be bruised.

"You're all talk newbie, so brave when I can kill you right here right now if I want." Her voice is laced with spite. She then pushed me very hard which caused me to fall on the ground, I was about to stand up when I saw Izel holding a bow and an arrow aimed straight on my head. I was unable to move.

Where the hell did that came from? She don't have anything with her earlier, She pushed me, then when I looked up she's suddenly bearing a weapon?

"One wrong move and this arrow goes straight through your head newbie." She threatens. I gulped, and this time, not as subtle. Seeing my reaction, this bitch grins.
"Not so brave now huh?" She annoyingly stated.
"Tell me, what an elemental like you would do with my arrow which travels faster than a normal one?"

"I bet I can travel faster than that though." We heard someone spoke, the voice sounds familiar and it's coming from behind me so I dare not to look, who knows what Izel would do.

"Stay out of this, Azriel." Izel spoke. Without sparing a glance at her.


"I suggest you drop that, Valentin." Azriel spoke calmly yet firm.

Izel groaned then said "You're lucky I'm not a psychopath" Exhaled then dropped her hands, the bow and arrow quickly vanished into thin air.

Woah! So that's where it came from.

"What do you want Azriel?" She asked annoyed now shifting her attention from me to Azriel.

"I want you to leave the girl alone." She briefly answered. I felt her walk closer then a hand softly held my upper arm, Helping me stand up.

"What's up with you people, always saving her?" Izel exclaimed annoyed. Her statement leaves me wondering, always saving me. Is she talking about the harpy attack, or a different one I do not know of? Or Is it the first time Azriel saved me? Was Izel the one who attacked me then?

"Stop picking on her Valentin." Azriel spoke with a serious tone.

Izel chuckled humorless
"Do you also do this to all the newbie's Eirene picked on? Be all superhero and shit?"

Azriel didn't answer instead she stared at Izel with piercing eyes that I'm sure if directed to me, I would've dropped dead.

"I'll leave her alone if she accepted my duel invite." Izel then again spoke when she received no response.

Azriel turned to me, staring at me emotionless. After a few seconds she turned back to Izel then spoke

"If you want a duel so bad I'll fight you." I was shocked by azriel's statement. Why would she do that?

"I don't want you, Azriel. I want to fight her." Izel insisted.

"She's new, and she's still recovering from almost dying two days ago. Leave her alone and fight me." I was shocked how'd she knew about me almost dying? What the hell? Does everyone in campus know?

And also the fact that Azriel is talking a lot, they said she don't talk to anyone?

"Besides, Aren't you always pestering me for a duel since I arrived here? I'll do it now."

" I told you, I want to fight her so either she accepts willingly or I'll have to force her?" Azriel took a step closer to Izel, looking her down.

"You won't." The venom dripping on Azriel's voice when she said that is very different from earlier that it made Izel cower a bit. Azriel leaned to Izel's ear and whispered to her which I wasn't able to hear, nevertheless, that's what it took for Izel to pale, turn on her heels then left without saying a word and sparing us a glance.

Azriel walked the opposite direction.

I followed her.

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