Chapter 1

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It was no secret to yourself that you had feelings for the one boy in class that barely knew anything about you. But it wasn't his fault. After all, it was difficult to not enjoy the atmosphere that Mirio Toogata emitted; what with his broad smile and infectious laughter.

It wasn't his fault you were also seated a row behind him in class, giving you access to a permanent show of his coiffed golden locks, and occasionally when he turned his head to look out of the window, those marine blue eyes of his.

It was just a shame your quirk didn't exactly lend yourself to have a lot of time with him during hero training. Most people would be happy with a healing quirk, and there was no denying that you were too, but it did mean having an altered curriculum where you spent more of your time learning with Recovery Girl than some of the other intensive lessons the rest of the class took. You still did the physical training; weights, cardio, search and rescue drills, etc; but the lessons that the rest of the class participated in to hone their quirks had you whisked away down the hall to the sterile white walls of the healing bay.

They were the times you disliked most; being away from seeing Mirio in action with his peers. Something about the way he took every challenge head on with such pep and enthusiasm leaked out of him and into the other students, making them work harder with every session. It was that or also face getting punched in the stomach from him when sparring.

That's where you came in; helping the wounded recover from their injuries and getting them back into simulated fray as quick and painless as possible. Unlike Recovery Girl's quirk, where her old, chapped lips would extend out and work their magic, you had a more hands-on approach to your quirk.

You had a few different ways you dispensed medicine, but your most effective way was the translucent paste your skin secreted, making for a rapid-healing gel that helped to restore physical injuries to these wannabe heroes. The class was thankful for your quirk, no doubt about that, and you'd been given the nickname 'Patches' as a result. It was cute, and endearing in its own way, so you opted to roll with it for your hero name.

So here you are, The First-Aid Hero; Patches.

Mirio's physical and analytical skills left him unharmed in almost every one of their bouts, which meant he would forgo any treatment of your quirk, opting to instead help those out who had recovered already with your assistance. It wasn't that he didn't like you; he just always felt like you were best suited to what you were doing, and he felt he would get in the way. It was just his way of trying to help you. In fact, Mirio Toogata liked you just as much as everyone else in the class; you just didn't know it.


At first you didn't like the idea of having to move into dorms on campus, but you eventually warmed up to the idea. It at least gave you the opportunity to be amongst your peers more than your average school day entailed, and you were thankful for that. You started bonding and forming deeper relations with your classmates, including Nejire Hadou of the 'Big Three'; a bubbly, talkative girl that you perceived to have a internal moral compass that constantly pointed to making sure everyone had a friend in class. She was sweet, even if she was a motor mouth.

She also happened to be close friends with Mirio.

At first, you thought that they were dating, with the way that they were almost always together, and you had a small grudge against her. You had masked your disappointment behind a large, fake smile when you found out you were now living in a room next door to her, and your mind wandered to the notion that you would have to deal with seeing your crush in and out of her room. Hell, you had to fight back pains of jealousy and anger if you might have heard them going at it next door.

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