Chapter 2

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Mirio dropped in on you again two days later, giving you a firm arrest to your heart. Somehow, he managed to drop in even harder than he did the first time; still just as sweaty and naked as he did on his first arrival. This time he landed square on his back and left himself winded on impact, wheezing and coughing slightly.

At least this time he had covered himself up when he landed, though it was just barely; his hands naturally pulled up when he smacked onto your floor but he curled himself up enough to stop flashing you again. You woke with a start and threw the covers off of you as you curled up into the safety of the corner of the wall and the bed after clicking on the bedside lamp.

"What the fuck Mirio?" You hissed, wiping the sleep from your eyes and trying to glare at him as much as you could through bleary eyes.

"Sorry Patches..." He wheezed out, pulling himself up into a seated position again with his core muscles alone. "I really thought I had a handle on it this time..."

You glanced at the time at the clock underneath the lamp. It was a little after ten, so it wasn't too hard to believe that he was up training still, even if he was pushing it.

You sighed in defeat and dragged yourself out of bed, walking over once again to your wardrobe. You were somewhat prepared for the notion of Mirio dropping in again on you, and had decided that if these random visits were going to occur, it would be best if you had something to give him. You dug around for a moment before pulling out a small paper bag and handing it to the slick mess on your floor that was gathering his breath.

"What's this?" He asked, taking the twine handles from you.

"Open it and find out." You yawned, turning around to give him privacy.

Mirio tipped the bag upside down and out fell a pair of grey sweatpants, a loose white shirt and a pair of bright yellow trunks.

You wouldn't see it, but Mirio flashed a smile so sweet at your turned back, you wouldn't have believed it. He slipped into the soft clothing quickly and tapped you on the shoulder.

"...were these just for me?" He asked you quietly, his breath ghosting over your ear that sent a ripple down your spine. Your breath caught in your throat, so you just nodded.

"That's really sweet, (Y/n)." He said, his voice just as quiet as before. You felt his strong arms circle around your waist before you could react, and your face burned crimson at the contact. Mirio was hugging you!

You sucked in as much air as your could so you could answer him.

"I just thought that you might need something," You responded in your own quiet voice. "You know, until you can get used to...whatever it is you're doing up there."

Mirio's arms retreated from your frame and you turned around to face him once more. You could see the tint across his cheekbones again and he averted his eyes.

"I'm really trying to get it under control." He admitted, scratching the side of his head softly.

You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes once again, and blinked drearily at him. You hadn't been feeling well which is why you had turned in early for the night. Your head was thick with fog and the filter between your mouth and brain hadn't connected more.

"Can I help?" You asked, his reaction catching you off guard, even in your sleepy state. Mirio, as tall and large as he was, practically shrunk away from you and his face burned deeper than you could ever imagine.

"Nope! It's okay!" He squeaked, hiding his face behind his hands. There was no way he could recover from this kind of overreacting response. "I'm totally okay."

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