Afternoon Calls

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Leo and I had been talking via SmallSpot for the past two weeks and so, we decided to FaceTime for the first time this afternoon. My hands have been sweating all day and my thoughts circling like a whirlpool. What if he hates me? What if he's catfishing me? What if- no. I take a deep breath and feel my heartbeat slow. It's going to be ok, Alfie, you're ok. A small sigh of relief escapes as I switch on the tv. I flick to Disney+ and click on 'Bluey'. Hopefully this will contain the darkness until Leo calls.

I wince as the sound of the FaceTime call rings through my apartment. Panicking, I click the green accept button.
"Hi, Alfie!" A cheery voice says from my iPad.
"Hello!" I reply, matching his tone.
Leo was just like he looked on his profile. Curly brown hair, soft rosy cheeks and red lips curled into a small smile. Except now I could see his eyes, they were forest green with specks of brown. He was so cool, it shocked me that he wanted to be my friend.
"It's so nice to hear your voice, you sound so sweet"
Blush creeps onto my cheeks as I awkwardly laugh.
"Thank you" I mumble, avoiding his gaze.
"What have you been up to today?"
"Uhm...not much, just a bit of grocery shopping and cartoon binge watching heh...what about you?"
"Oh cool man, what cartoons do you watch? And I've been at a play date with this agere group my carers friend started...oh! You should totally join, everyone would love you"
My heart skips a beat. An agere group?! That sounds so cool.
"I love Bluey, Paw Patrol and Octonauts! And I'd love that, it sounds awesome" I reply with a toothy grin.
"Great, I'll ask my caregiver, Sam tonight. I've already told him all about you, he can't wait to meet you"
Leo talks!
"He sounds very nice, I can't wait to meet him either" I reply, masking my surprise.

We finally hung up after four hours flew by. Part of me was shocked that someone as amazing as Leo was real. I half expected to be catfished by some 60 year old man named John. Leo was so kind and genuine. When he asked questions, he was actually interested in my answer, hanging onto every word. It was nice to have someone listen to me.

My phone buzzed beside me causing me to jump a little. It was Leo.

leotheshark04: Hey buddy, Sam thinks it's a great idea you join our group! Our next hang out is on Wednesday at the park near my place. We will be meeting at 10 am if your free to come, I'd love to see you there, bud :)

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