Trying New Things

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"No, no...stop it!" I screamed, jolting upright. Nightmares, again. I sigh, turning over to check my phone. 11:23 pm. Great. I flick through my notifications, my heart stopping when I come across a message from an unknown number.

Unknown Number: Hey Alfie, it's Faith :) hope I don't wake you! Just wanted to make sure you got my number.

Faith. My breath falters as I open the message. I steady myself, wracking my brain for a good response.

Me: Hiii!! It's Alfie, I got your message :)

I sigh, closing my phone and shuffling out of bed. I make my way over to the bathroom, my body swaying with fatigue. A face stares back at me from the mirror. The face looks just like me except for the unfamiliar expression that is a smile contorted around his lips. Something I haven't seen in months.

Warm water sprays over my tired body as I step into the shower. I forgot what it felt like to be warm, to truly feel comfortable. Ever since Ali died I've known nothing but the darkness that has consumed me. Faith made me feel...ok? I liked it. I liked her. Though, a part of me felt guilty for finding someone else, as if I was cheating on Ali somehow.


The sun began to rise, breaking it's way through my sheer curtains. Today the world seemed brighter and a weight was lifted from my body. A weight I didn't even know I was carrying. My phone buzzed beside me causing my heart to race.

leotheshark04: Good morning bud! The group is staying over at mine tonight and we were wondering if you wanted to come? It starts at 4pm and it's the house across from the park we met at last time if you're up to it.

My chest feels lighter, maybe I'll see Faith.

alfielovessharks: Morningg! I'd love to, I'll be there :)

leotheshark04: Yay! Looking forward to it bud.

Now I just have to work out what to pack for a sleepover...or how to act...I've never been to a sleepover before.


I spent the afternoon searching the internet for answers and I think I finally might have some answers. The website said to pack light, but not to light. Ok, I can do that.

I stumble around my closet, looking for my duffel bag. It seems to be the most appropriate thing to bring. My eyes widen as I touch something that feels like it. Ah huh! Got it. A blue Octonauts themed bag with a sea shell name tag. Usually I'd be uncomfortable rocking up with it, but I trust these people, maybe to much.

My hands dig through my closet, pulling out two onesies. One is white with alphabet shaped animals and a blue trim and the other is blue with otters all over it. Two should be enough right? I then got together a couple of my favourite shirts and pants, but not to many. Just enough for one day with some spare. I then grabbed my two comfort stuffies, Lukey the golden retriever and Spots the whale shark.

I think I have everything I need, now I wait.

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