Part 2

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.Vanessa sank to the floor, tears welling up in her eyes, trying to breath. She took out her phone and dialed 911, still trying to regain her breath. "Hello, 911 what is your emergency?"
"He's dead, please you have to help." She breathed, barely getting it out of her mouth.
"Ma'am, you need to calm down. Please tell me what happened."
"I-I-I came home and he-e was on the floor a-and there's a lot of blood a-a-and he's d-e-ead." She sobbed into the phone.
"Okay, I'm going to send a squad over. Can you give me your address?"
"It's number 16 on Knight Road" Vanessa said shakily
The operator covered the mouth piece of the phone "Boss! We've got an emergency! There's a dead body at a condo on 16 Knight Road." He uncovered the mouth piece "Okay, we're sending a squad over. Just stay calm. I'll stay on the call the whole time. Try not to touch anything."
"Ok" Vanessa said shaking.
About ten minutes later two police cars and a paramedic pulled up into the drive way. Ding dong, the doorbell rings, Vanessa slowly opens the door. Her eyes were blood-shot from crying so much. She led the cops and paramedic to the living room. The paramedic knelt down next to Logan's lifeless body and started to examine him. The cops recorded everything they saw, taking pictures of the body and crime scene. Vanessa went to her bedroom and called her best friend Lexi, the only person that could comfort her right now. "Hey Vanessa what's u-"
"Logan is dead." She started crying again "Can I stay at your place and can you come over?" Her voice cracking a little bit.
"I'll be right over." And the line went dead. Not too long after, Lexi was hugging Vanessa as she cried. "Sorry to bother you but Mrs. Smith we have to ask you to leave. We need to search the whole condo for anything that might lead us to Logan's death."
"Ok" Vanessa replied still quite shaken. Lexi had already started packing a few things.
"You can stay at my place Vanessa. Okay?"
"We also have to take you in for questioning, Mrs. Smith."

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