Chapter 10

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Ava stormed off away from Reya. Reya's grip could still be felt in the back of her mind. A lingering feeling of violation. But, she was less angry than she was upset. The whole time being in Reya's kingdom she tried to push away thoughts of her life before. Of Bea. They were too painful to dwell on. Her mind was often focused on training or how much she needed to get back. Tears burned her eyes as she pushed open the door to her chambers. Her bedroom was small, lined with the same marble walls and floors and the rest of the palace but, there was a large queen sized bed at the end of the room, with a small single drawer nightstand next to it. With the image of Bea in her mind. So fresh. She was all Ava could think about. She missed her smile, her laugh, when she would correct Ava on stupid little things that didn't matter. The 6 years had changed her deeply. Her childlike joy was stolen by feelings of defeat and anger. The Halo dramatically slowed her aging but she still had lived 6 years without the people she loved most. Raphael was her best friend now, but it was different, he had been alive for eons and they would never bridge that gap.

Ava sat down on her bed, staring at the small drawer in her nightstand.

"I've heard of her before." Ava stated, "She was a kick ass warrior who got burnt at the stake or something." Bea smiled endearingly, that smile that seemed like it was only reserved for her.

"Yes, well, Saint Joan of Arc was a Warrior Nun. One of the greatest in history."

"Ahh of course she was. That makes sense." Ava marveled at the small pendant, moving to sweep her hair off her neck so she could clasp it together. Bea stopped her. "Let me." She surrendered the pendant into Bea's hands. The trained killer's skillful hands grazed across the bare skin on her collar bone, sending a shiver down her spine. "I got this for you, for protection. So that if I cannot keep eyes on you she can." Ava could tell Bea was worried about the battle with Adriel. She wasn't sure about the whole God thing and if a pendant could provide someone with protection but, the only thing she cared about was that Bea was thinking of her.

"You don't need to worry, Bea." She turned so that she was facing her. Looking up into her almost intoxicating gaze.

"I-um...It is my job to worry about the Warrior Nun's safety." Ava could tell Bea was feeling more reserved recently, she was less of Bea, and more Sister Beatrice. The quiet, contained version of the woman she has grown to care deeply for, "Just your job?" Ava searched Bea's face, catching the hesitation in her lips, parting slightly before deciding not to speak. She looked to the ground before looking back up at Ava, a guilty look on her face. Bea straightened her back and cleared her throat. "We should get back to the others."


Ava opened the small drawer next to her bed, the pendent laying neatly at the bottom, placed next to a few books. With a shaky breath, she picked up the pendant, holding it gently in her hands. Looking down at it, waves of emotions flooded her brain. The lump that formed in her throat made it increasingly hard to breathe. It had months since she cried. During her time in Reya's realm she had tried to shove down every emotion into the deepest pits of herself, they all distracted her mind, and to get back to her world, she could be distracted in anyway. Tears started their slow roll down her cheeks, dripping onto her covered thighs. Her slow silent cry turned into a sob that clawed it's way out of her throat. She had spent her entire time pushing thoughts of Bea away but now they were all flooding back.

But none of that matters when you realize not everything is about you

Everyone has a past Ava

You begin to hate what you are, what you love, what makes you happy

You are my best friend, I cannot watch you die

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