Chapter 30

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A warm air caressed the skin of her arms softly. The calming smell of a scent of fresh rain and bergamot swirled into her nostrils. Warmth from underneath her seeping into her skin, the soft sound of a quiet heart beat pressed against her ear. A content smile creeped up onto her face, a happy sigh escaping her lips.

"No nightmares tonight?" The soft sultry english accent poured out into the air like honey. "How long have you been up?" Ava's voice came in a mumble against a soft grey sweater.

"A while." The voice responded. Ava laughed gently. "You get up so early." She complained.

"It's a habit."

"Well break it." Ava giggled to herself when she realized the word choice, "Haha, habit." The rumble of a stifled laugh vibrated against her ear.

"You're nun-believable." A loud laugh escaped Ava's lips. She opened her eyes. A soft yellow light illuminating freckled tan skin, in a heavenly glow. "You're awful for that." Ava said softly. Perfectly carved pink lips pulled up into an endearing smile. She laid her head down back on the nun's chest, closing her eyes, going back to the sound of the deep rhythmic thumping in her chest. "We have to get up for training, Ava." She groaned with a large lack of enthusiasm, sliding her hand under the older woman's arm so she could grip her shoulder from the back, holding her tighter. "Can't we just stay for a few more minutes?" Ava begged.

"We can't."

"Whyyy?" Ava was comfortable and nothing was getting her to move from where she had taken root. Ava craned her neck upwards to look into those honey brown eyes.

"Because this isn't real"

Ava's eyes flew open and she was surrounded by a cold empty air. Nothing but herself and the blue light of the mood filled the room. A sadness swelled in her chest, she wished she could just close her eyes and travel back to her comfortable dreamland because, reality fucking sucked. It had only been a day since Beatrice had attacked her, but she missed her so much. She would do anything to see her subtle smile again. Ava sat up from her bed moving to her small wooden wardrobe and pulling out a grey zip up sweater. Her feet slipped into the slippers Camilla had leant her, along with most of her other clothes. The two women were almost exactly the same size in everything.

Ava quietly left her room but stopped as she was closing the door, looking to the left where the door to Beatrice's bedroom was only a few feet away. Her hesitation ended as she decided to move down the hallway towards the catacombs. Cat's Cradle was always eerily quiet at night. And the ancient architecture of the building didn't make traveling around the grounds at night any less haunting. Ava stopped once she got to the top of the stairs leading down to the catacombs. She fished out her phone from her pocket, turning on the flashlight before she made her journey down through the halls past the cells, the scuffle of her footsteps joining the sounds of water dripping on the floor. There were two sister warriors posted outside Beatrice's cell, they switched rotations every couple of hours, but there was always someone there. It gave Ava a slight comfort, knowing Beatrice wasn't alone. Sister Ruth and Sister Lea nodded to Ava in greeting before opening the door.

"Knock when you need to be let out." Sister Lea said before Ava slipped into to the cell. Beatrice had been in the same state she had been when she first saw her. Her body, tied to the chair tightly. Beatrice's head lifted, and Ava met cold black eyes where soft honey brown ones used to look at her so lovingly.

"So you finally decided to visit. I'm surprised it took you so long." Beatrice's voice was somewhat deeper, raspier. A smug smile creeped across her face as she moved so her back was leaning up against the chair. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

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