(repost of my 1am tangent about gm from tumblr. please be niceys im sleep deprived)
shocking absolutely no one, this game fucking sucks. most of the characters have two personality traits each. the handling of DID in kukus route is atrocious. the way the game portrays lunis/liliths toxic unbalanced relationship as romantic is awful.
hey at least we get an almost compelling villain this time instead of corruption 3: tokyo drift
imo the main problem with the story is that the author seems terrified of making the main characters look even slightly unlikeable. usually this shows up in the form of retcons: "oh mitsuko wasnt causing mass death because of her own selfishness she was just sooo sad about being abandoned and sooo misunderstood and sooo sad" "oh luni didnt erase her lover/servant who is completely dependant on her she actually just teleported her away somewhere at the last second and their relationship is actually tooootally fine and healthy and cute you guys" "oh kuku didnt repeatedly stalk and harrass kugari it was all her eEeEeEeEeeevil alternate personality" etc
this also brings me to how trauma and mental illness is (imo) only used to make the characters more sympathetic. a characters trauma isnt there to be meaningfully explored, its there so the player can go "awww poor [character of choice] :("
and yet.
as much as i dont want to give lander the slightest bit of credit, i still stand by my statement that gm is the best written game in the series... but only because the bar is in the second circle of hell
also, lander would it kill you to stop thinking with your dick for like five seconds? is an implied sex scene necessary for every route? like im not against sex scenes in art, its just that these dont add anything beyond masturbation material (its not even GOOD material mind you!)
gacha headcanons and shit: the sequel
De Todoa world where gay is the norm and straight is the minority