1. Prologue

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Finally! Inspiration has struck! And its another universe and another book! Yay! In all seriousness,it has been a while since I have felt this inspired to write again and I thought I might as well ride that high while it lasted. Please, enjoy!

Once upon a time, there was a man, sitting in an inn.

The inn was vibrant with color and life. The flames of the fire threw long flexible colors into the large room as the tunes of the music band mixed with the clings and clangs of cups and mugs as well as the cheers and laughter of the patrons in the establishment.

Many a miner, baker, fisher or other profession performing patron came here to unwind for the evening, personifying their 'work hard, play hard' mentality.

But not all patrons were as cheery. Near the edge of the room, one figure sits, drinking the final sip of sweet tastes of the mead left in his cup.
Setting the cup back on his table, we find Y/N. A young man, looking to be down on his luck or drinking away his sorrows for the day. This is you.

You take out the few coins out of your pocket, counting them carefully as you take out the few that are owed and place them next to the cup.

Standing up, you are approached by one of the barmaids.
"Where are you going? It's cold there outside! You should stay here and drink some more. There's plenty to go around!"

You sigh heavily, shifting your scarf over your mouth and closing your jacket for the cold walk to come.
"I gotta go. Don't have the coin to stay.", You speak, your voice weary.

You had been travelling from city to city, from place to place, that it felt like the wind was stuck in your coat, and your feet were more accustomed to the gravel and dirt than to the wooden floors now beneath you.

"Fair travels then! Hope you don't get mauled by a bear or something!", The barmaid exclaimed, much to the amusement of some patrons with prying ears and even looser hands.

You rolled your eyes as you picked up your blade sat against the wall and sheathed it while walking out. You would need it, as rumors were abound that the wildlife in the snowy forests up North was mich more hostile.

As you opened the door the outside frost assaulted the parts of your face the scarf would not cover. As its noting touch got a grip, you started walking out of town, further North into the woods.

This is how you lived your life. Wandering around, making what few coins you could. Never sticking to one place for long. After all, settling didn't quite work out, last time.


"Where is she?", You asked yourself out loud, walking around in your room in the finest suit your money could have bought.

"She should have been here already. What is taking her so long?"

Walking back and forth, your nerves started to get the better of you.
Until you heard a knock at the door.

"Enter.", You replied solemnly, stopping your walk and straightening your suit.

As the priest peered in, you let out a sigh of disappointment, as it still was not her.

"Father. There is no need to check up on me. I'm just waiting until she gets here, and the ceremony can begin.", You said with a forced smile.

The priest, however, walked in, a note in hand, holding it out gingerly.

"I'm afraid, my son, there will be no ceremony."
"What?", You replied bewildered, taking the note from his hand.

As you opened it and read the words, you felt as if the world around you fell into oblivion.

Flashback over

You kept walking into the night, passing into the forest with each step crunching into the cold wet snow.
The breath passing through your scarf swiftly turned into a cloud due to the freezing air surrounding you, attempting to assault through your leathers and your cloak.

The lantern on your belt would soon wane, so you would have to find shelter quickly. You had been walking for a while but just now realized you had strayed from the path quite far.

But in all honesty, did you really care, at this point?

You had spent so much time wandering, not really finding a place to stay at, a person to tie to or anything. Off on this quest to forget, to find some sort of relief or cure, while finding nothing.

In your mind, no one would really care if you ended up hurt or missing in these woods.
As you pondered these thoughts, whether because of exhaustion or you not paying attention, your foot catches on an upturned branch as you trip while exclaiming an explicative.

You kept rolling downhill for a good few seconds until you eventually came to a stop on your back.

"Yeah. Let's not do that again, eh?", You groan as you get up.
You look around to try and get your bearings, when a faint light in the distance catches your eye.

Probably a cottage of some kind. Maybe the owner would let you sleep in a barn if they had one. It would only be for one night, right?

You kept walking and walking as the cold grew colder.
The light grew and grew as the distance became shorter with each step.

It almost looked like the fairytale of Goldilocks and the three bears. You snickered to yourself. Those weren't real. You had traveled so so far, if a fairytale was ever real, you'd have seen something about it by now.

You meandered up to the cottage hearing a ruckus inside.

"No, Baby, you can't go outside. It's freezing out there!"

"But Ma!"

"No buts!"

You couldnt help but grin at the conversation behind the door as you went to knock.

The moment you knocked, everything went quiet. Eerily quiet.

"Hey, uh. Just looking for a place to stay the night. You know? No need to give me a bed or anything. I'll be happy with some hay and wood or something.", You yell out to the people within.

You hear a bit more silence.
"Look. A "no" can suffice. I'll just walk away if you dont want or can not shelter me.", You attempt again. Just a bit of stumbling is heard. Nothing else.

You take a deep sigh and turn, until you hear the door open behind you as a female voice speaks out.

"You're here on your own, then? Not working for anyone? Not been sent here?", She asks. This voice sounds younger than the other female one you heard before.

"Yeah. Just me. Why?", You reply.
You hear some heavy creaking as a booming male voice speaks out.

"A human out here, in this neck of the woods, with this weather? 'Course he's working with someone. Don't be daft, Goldi."

"Goldi?", You ask yourself.
"Look, dad, sure, but look at him. He's all duffled up, he is. And ain't no city or town around for another few miles.", She debates.

"Well, I ain't trusting him. Coming here outta nowhere. Lemme see him!", A younger voice spoke again.

As the door opened wider you saw a bear walkikg up to the door.
Out of reflex you placed your hand on the hilt of your blade behind your back.

"Oh. You guys have a pet bear. How...cute?"

Much to your surprise, the bear spoke!

"Pet bear? Pet bear?! Watch your mouth, scarfy! Or I'll bust ya up right here!"

You were astounded and in that one moment you could only exclaim one word.


My Escape: male reader x LastWish GoldilocksWhere stories live. Discover now