9. Wanderer

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Goldi's POV

"Y/N!", Goldi yells out, but no response.

"No. No, no, no. I can't lose him.", she sobbed.

"Easy now. We'll probably find 'im at the cabin. Then you can talk.", spoke Mama.

"I shouldn't have trusted that stinkin' sherriff. How was I supposed to know he'd try and kiss me?", she sobbed once more.

"You just have to talk to 'im, is all. You'll see.", said Baby.

With fear and hope in their hearts, they arrived at the cabin. As they entered, the mud and melted snow of boots on the floor meets them.

"Y/n! Please just talk to me! I can explain!", yelled Goldi as she made her way through the cabin. But you could not be found.

She found her fairy tale book back on the table though. Opened and having a page ripped out of it. Then she realised.

"The well of oblivion.", she stammered as she sat down, her head in her hands.

"He's going to do the ritual. Because of me. I've hurt him that badly", she sobbed.

"Well, then let's find 'im. You've read that book tonnes. You'd know the way, right?", says Papa.

"I...I could try. But would he listen?", asks Goldi.

"Is it worth trying?", retorts Mama.

Goldi can do nothing but nod.

"Then let's get 'im and let's tear that sherriff a new one when we get back, 'ey?", says Baby.

Goldi wiped off her tears and with a look of determination, they left.


"Y/N!", Goldi yelled throughout the heavy snow, making her way with her family as best as they could.

"Y/N! Talk to me, please!", grew her heartfelt pleas throughout the trees.

"You sure we're going the right way?!", asked Baby.

"Yes! It has to be this way, I'm sure!", she replied.

Just then, they heard some sort of chanting or singing.

"That's him! That's the ritual!", exclaimed Goldi, setting off into a sprint.

She yelled and screamed. Trying to reach you.

But it was too late.

Out of the opening in the ground rose a pillar of dark energy with a blast.

The four of them were halted as where once the energy was now walked out a figure. Goldi immediately recognized you.

"Y/N!", she yelled as she ran towards you.
As she stopped in front of you, all she noticed was you kept looking down.

"Y/n. Listen... What you saw. I can explain-", she was cut off when your head jerked back rapidly, revealing your eyes to be a deep black color, iris and all.

"Y/n?", the figure replied as Goldi now realized it wasn't you.

"Not anymore. We are finally free. And we will help our host.", the eerily dual voice emanated from the mouth that was once yours.

"You are not at the top of the list. You are lucky."

"The list?", asked Goldi.

With that the figure now envelopped in the dark energy, jumped and flew up into the sky, as Goldi yells your name after you.


"But did you have to kiss her?", asked Lynn as they were walking through the snowy forest.

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