7. The ball

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In the days leading up to the ball, you were very busy. You worked on getting the right clothes, helping everyone out with invitations and the venue.

Turning one of the factories larger meeting rooms into a ballroom wasn't quite easy, but you and the rest succeeded eventually.

As the eve started to roll around, you went and got dressed in your now separate room, which housed you and Goldi.
You had just finished putting on the suit and looked in the mirror.
Who would've thought? You look at yourself, marvelling at the twists your life sent you in, until you heard a knock at the door.

"Hon? You dressed?", You hear Goldi ask.

"Did that ever stop you before?", You joke.

She walks in giggling as you turn around.

The moment you lay eyes on her, it feels as if you're falling in love all over again. There she stands. In her neatly made dress, smiling at you. Almost glowing. You feel breathless as you stare at her entering.

"So, what do you think?", She asks as she twirls around, acting all giddy.

"Well, hello.", You say wide eyed, looking her over.

She just giggles and gives you a mocking shove.

"I mean seriously. How do I look?", She asks.

"I am serious. You look amazing.", You laugh as you take her hand and twirl her around playfully.

The rooms of the cottage fill with giggling and laughter as you and her have this moment to yourselves, slow dancing to music that is not there, showing one another how madly in love you two are until it eventually ends when she sits on your lap and you kiss her.

"How did I ever deserve you?", You ask her lovingly.

"C'mon now. I'm an ex-criminal. I'm nothing special.", She giggles.

"Everything about you is special. At least to me.", You say as both of you get up.

"Easy, Casanova. You better keep some compliments for during the ball.", She playfully boops your nose.

"You think those are all the compliments I have? I've barely begun.", You joke.

"Well, my sweet neatly dressed prince.", She says as she straightens your tie and admires your look.

"You are the most amazing man who's ever walked into my life. And I wouldn't trade you for the world. Despite the gold and gems it has.", She giggles before kissing you.

"Oi. Lovebirds! We gotta get to the factory and get the ball started,yeah?", Yelled Baby through the house.


The ball had just started and there were already so many people. People in their nicest dresses and suits were making their way around, greeting the hosts (including you) and getting to know the other attendees.

Everything seemed just fine, until he arrived.

"The sherriff of Nothingham with his new fiancé, Lady Lynn Marrowwind!", Yelled out the crier.

That name reaching your ear set something off in you. It was as if time stopped as you slowly looked to the door, only to see the sherriff walk in with the person you once wished to marry. The one who left you at the altar.

Your breathing grew heavier and your heart beat faster. Until you felt a hand envelop yours. Goldi.

"Hon? What's wrong?", She asks.

"That's her. She's the one who left me at the altar.", You explain painfully.

"She did that? Oh, I'm about to have a cross word with that little-"
"No. No. It's okay.", You breathe easier now.

She looks at you baffled.
"But aren't you super mad about it?", She asks.

"Don't get me wrong. I loathe her entire existence.", You growl.

But then you turn and you hold her head on your fingers.

"But I moved on to greener pastures. So what if I had to go through that? It brought me to you.", You tell her.

It looks almost as if she melts as she leans forwards and kisses you deeply.

"Well, don't worry. I'm not going to let her or him ruin our night, I promise.", She says seductively as she pulls back.

Soon he walked over and practically looked down upon you.

"Goldie, darling. How good to see you here. I must say, I am quite surprised by the ball. The simple fact you and your boorish furry family have brought this all together is simply astounding.", he spoke in almost a slow elongated tone, really emphasizing his disdain in this situation.

"And my, my. Y/n. What a long time it has been. The years have done you well. Surely, our little squabble back in the day doesn't put a damper on things here? I can see you moved on nicely.", he says with a grin reaching ear to ear.

You simply grinned back.

"Well. You know what they say. Some of us go for used carriages, others go for proper ones. I shouldn't judge.", you quipped back.

Silence befell the two for a moment as your ex-fiancé glared daggers at you.

"Please. I'm only kidding. What does a guy have to do to break the ice here?", you lied through your teeth.

"You should watch out with those jokes, Y/n.", laughed the sherriff, "you might just meet the wrong person on the receiving end."

As you exchanged "pleasantries", you started to notice the sherriff was eyeing Goldie almost hungrily. And she was not amused.

"Well. It is a grand ball after all. Darling, can I have this dance?", you said as you turned to Goldie.

"Wouldn't want anything more, love.", she replied as you made your way to the dance floor and started to slowly dance together.

"Thanks. I thought he was gonna eat me.", Goldie snickered as she held onto you.

"Oh no, me first.", you quipped, making her blush and giggle in the middle of the ballroom.

It felt like a dream come true. The splendor, the dancing, Goldie in your arms.

You wished this night would never end.

My Escape: male reader x LastWish GoldilocksWhere stories live. Discover now