2. Getting acquainted

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As the door opened wider, you noticed three bears. Your mind raced. Three bears. Goldi.

"Wait. Am i... Am I dreaming?", You exclaimed out loud.

"Uhhhh. What?", Goldi asked.

"You guys, you're... You're Goldilocks and the three bears. Y'know. From the fairy tale."

After saying that, they just look at you dumbfounded.

"Wow. This one really lost his marbles, eh. Fairy tale? Us? Ha!", Spoke the big scarred bear.

"Yeah! You know. Goldilocks finds a cottage, eats their porridge, breaks one of their chair, sleeps in one of their beds and then... Then leaves to be never seen again out of shame.", You recount.

The three of them look at one another questionably.

"Yep. Lost all of 'em, he has.", Spoke the mama bear.

"Okay. So I'm not dreaming or I would've woken up by now... Y'know, I'll just go. I'll make it to the next city and get out of your hair... I mean, fur! I mean...", You let out a deep sigh at the words jumbling out of your mouth.

"I'll just go.", You say as you turn around.

"No, you're not! Think about it! It's been a while since we had visitors. Especially ones that might've... Ways to repay us.", Goldi says with a sly grin.

"You're not exactly getting much off of me.", You respond. "I only got 9 copper on me. If that what it takes to get some hay and wood to make a fire for the night, I'll take it.", You say as you start taking out your pouch.

"Wait. 9 copper? That's it?", Baby bear exclaimed.

"Yeah. Spent two at the inn a while back to get a drink and get out of the cold long enough to keep travelling.", You answered.

"Oh dear! Sorry, fellas, but he's staying the night. Mama's orders!", Mama bear spoke as she walked out and dragged you in.

Goldi seemed to be joyful at this, while Papa and Baby were less so.

"He's not gettin my chair!", Exclaimed Papa bear.

"Oh. Not to worry, I'll just stay the night and be on my way in the morning, if that's alright?"

"Where are you off to anyway?", Asked Mama bear.

You wanted to answer, but your brain drew a blank. Where were you going? Somewhere. Somewhere where you could forget. Where you didn't have to think about what happened. You soent so much time thinking, everyone in the cottage just started looking at one another and shrugging.

You were snapped out of it by a hand on your shoulder. Goldi's hand.
"Are you alright?", She asked, concern emanating from her words.

"Oh, yeah. I just... I just travel a lot. I don't really have a destination, just...hop from place to place.", You answered nervously, faking a smile.

"Are you in any trouble?", Baby asked.

"No, no. Certainly not. I just... I just don't have a place to call home and... I don't think I need one.", You answered, keeping up the façade best as you could.

In reality, you wanted a home. A place with people you deeply loved and cared about. But random strangers/fairy tale characters did not need to know that.

"So you're on the road alone?", Mama bear asked.

"Yeah, just... Enjoying my freedom and... Seeing the sights, I guess?", You laughed nervously.

Goldi had that look. That frown that said she knew something was up. If you wanted to stay the night, you had to change the subject quick.

"So, uh. Cozy place here. Got a good fire going, some nice chairs. You should be proud of it!", You exclaimed to Mama bear. She smiled gently and took the compliment, as she turned to start making porridge.

As you turned, you were met with a frowning, arms crossed, Goldi.

"You sure you ain't working for no one?", She asked.

"Definitely not. I'm just... All by my lonesome.", You chuckled, unnerved at the sudden interrogation.

"Sure you're not sent by some Sheriff out there?", She asked.

"Wait. The last town had a sheriff? Dang, that would've been useful when my rental horse got stolen..."

"Not a sheriff. The Sherrif. Y'know, the one from Nothingam?"

"Wait. He exists too? But that would mean... Y'know what, forget it. No, I don't know anyone by title Sheriff of Nothingham.", You said as you took a seat, trying to make some space.

"Well. You are hiding something. And I don't know what it is. But I'll figure it out!", She grinned, getting ever closer towards you.

"No one sent me. Cross my heart and hope to die.", You said as you made the motion.

This made her back off and take a seat next to you, still keeping an eye on you in distrust.

Porridge was served, but as you were about to get a bite in...

"That's my chair.", Said Papa bear.

"Oh! My mistake, terribly sorry. I'll just...", You move to get up but are pulled down by Goldi.

"He's sitting here Papa. You take your chair and move it here, for now.", She said with a grin.

Papa bear snarled, coming dangerously close as you pulled your blade out of its sheath from your back.

"Oi, he's got a sword! He's gonna attack Papa!", Said Baby bear.

You breathed heavily, survival instincts kicking in again.

"I promise, I mean you no harm, but please get out of my face. I don't do well with that.", You warned, still half panicking and hyperventilating.

"Papa.", Exclaimed Mama bear in anger. This caught Papa bears attention as he grabbed is lazy chair and set it a the opposite side of the table, while you sheathed your blade.

Dinner was quiet as glances were passed around the table. You just tried to enjoy the porridge when Goldi seemed to notice something.

"Wow. You even have a beard. How long were you travelling for?", She asked.

You wish you didn't know. But instead...

"6 months, 20 days and 3 hours."

Your reply came as if clockwork. You mentally slapped yourself in the face.

"Okay. Oddly...specific.", she said, now even more suspicious.

"Any important event that is tied to?", She asked.

You think of it again. The note. The church. Her.

"Goldi! Quit prying in our guests' private life! If he wants to tell us, he will!", Said Mama bear.

"What? I'm just asking!", Goldi defended.

"It's quite alright. I just. Don't like talking about my past is all.", You said, trying to smile.

"The porridge is great, by the way.", You attempted to change the subject. Mama bear thanked you as dinner crawled along.

This was going to be a long night.

My Escape: male reader x LastWish GoldilocksWhere stories live. Discover now