1 - The Broken Zipper -

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Joe POV-

I'm sitting in front on my IMac playing the PC version of The Last of Us, recording for a new game video to go up on considering the last time I uploaded a video was 2 weeks ago.

In the game this little girl Ellie bumped into a clicker setting them all on a rampage making them make a continuous noise of tongue clicking . "Seriously Ellie?! You just had to make it even harder." Quickly I make Joel take out his pistol to shoot them all in the head and then start running straight for the ladder, boosting Ellie up then himself. I pause the game as the next mission appears on my screen letting me know it's time for a stop.

I look at the camera palming my irritated eye and start to sigh. "Bloody hell. The next time Ellie gets me into that shit again I'm just gonna leave her to fight for herself." A chuckle rises in my throat and comes out a little exaggerated, "Ah nah, I'd never do that....well Joel would never do that, but anyways Thanks for watching! Please give this video a thumbs up and I'll see you all next week." I press the red record button to stop the recording, which then leads to the yelling from Caspar's room.

"Joe! Joe come help me!" My feet quicken up the pace as I hear the worry in his voice. In just a moment I bust thru his door to see him struggling to get his trousers down. "Really Caspar? I thought you were dying." He keeps his head down, concentrating on his stuck zipper. "Well it's nice to knowing you wouldn't wait a good 10 minutes before checking in..if to say I were dying."

I start to walk out and close his door, but half the way he stops it with his hand. "Please Joe help me with my zipper." He starts to have a panic attack, face gets red and his talk pace quickens whilst his pulsing vain running from his neck down to his arm. "I just really need them off Joe. They are uncomfortable and stained. Plus I'm meeting up with this girl and a just didn't want these on while I go meet up with her..." His breathing slows down when he is done explaining himself. "Joe just please..This one time can you help me?"

My heart gives pity for the poor lad. "All alright." I mumble walking over to Caspar, sitting him down on his bed as I kneel with his legs spread open in front of me. An image pops up into my head as I think of how this looks but I just ignore it, like if he doesn't mind it why should I?

"You okay with me here?" Cas shakes his head up and down frantically. "Yeah. Just undo it please, and hurry I'm meeting up with her in an hour." Understanding how important this is to him I quickly take my hand to the zipper that rests right about his area. Immediately I feel goosebumps as my hands jerk the zipper up and down. Caspar's face go red as he tries his hardest to look away. Probably because his best mate is basically touching him....Oh okay, you've made it weird Joe.


After using almost every tactical there is to unstuck a zipper nothing works...wait maybe this could work but to be quite honest it's not helping the zipper. "Hey Cas? On a level of one to ten how much do you like those pants?" He sits there for a moment pondering. "Uhhh..Four." I nod my head grabbing a pair of scissors. "Okay Good." Without any warning I start to cut up along his knee length pant sleeve. Caspar knocks the scissors out of my hand and sends them flying across the room when I reach near his crotch.

"Sorry."'He mumbles. "I just don't want you to cut any further..." He takes his hand to cover his crotch. My face goes pale as I suddenly realize what he means. "Uh, Caspar?" I just want to make sure it's what I think. He swallows hard and stalls a bit before returning a reply. "Yeah Joe?" I tilt my head questioning him, "Do you have a boner lad?" like a little boy admitting to doing wrong he shook his head up an down. Seeing him admit to it made me feel aroused...Wait no Joe. No.

Caspar POV-

My best friends gave me a boner and now he knows. This is probably the most embarrassing moment of my life out of all. I mean what if your best friend made you feel horny and excited? Exactly. Embarrassing it is.

I study Joe as he still kneels between my legs thinking. I'm quite surprised he hasn't moved at all yet, because usually when you hear your guy friend has a boner because of your words and body it doesn't seem normal to still sit right in front of it. To be honest it's like teasing me..I feel even more horny than before.

The bulge it my pants grows as the minutes past by. Though soon enough Joe decides to break the awkward silence but only turns it even more awkward but yet appealing. "Do you want me to?...." His words fade off as my head leaves a trail of "Just. Maybe." Joe looks up at me. "You sure?"

Did I just talk aloud? Yeah, you did you fuck up.

We both stare at each other for a minute telling each other we want to with our eyes before Joe slowly and teasingly rises up from his kneeling position on the floor, to kneeling on each side of me. "Are you sure you want this?" He asks me one more time with his hands already on both sides of my cheeks and face so close to mine I can feel his warm minty smelling breath. I brush my lips against his ever so lightly it wouldn't have even been considered as a peck.


Hallo ^.^
I have worked so hard on this. You. have. no. idea. The amount of time and thought and just everything I put into this just amazing me, so I really really hope this met was as good for you as it is for me c:

Please Please Please Comment or vote or just something to let me know you enjoyed It, also giving me your comments on it will really help inspire me even more (Just As I said on my other smut) and just yay.

Oh and don't think this is the ONLY chapter. This smut can go up to 3-4 chapters before it's actually complete.

Anyways I'll stop taking nowz.../.\ Next chapter should be up later sometime next week ^.^ Love you guys!

BuhBai! *waves*

Thegreenflamingo psttt this one is for you >.<

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