2 - Such a Tease -

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Caspars POV-

Joe leaned in pressing his warm soft lips against my own, drawing breath when he leaned back out of the kiss. The loss of his lips against mine makes me feel lonely and neglected. "Joe..." I whine. He rolls his eyes pulling me into a deep passionate kiss one more time before backing out again. "Deal with it." he mumbled, smirking at his own words.

I give him my puppy dog eyes and pout, "I want you so bad though..." I fade my words out to see if it made a dramatic affect. Though all he did was just break up into a small and controlled laugh. "No?....Nothing? Ugh." I throw my head back and sigh.

Joe rolls his eyes again shaking his head side to side, and then takes of his shirt tossing it in the corner or my room near the door. "Caspar you obviously haven't caught on yet that I enjoy watching you beg and be all needy." That little shit...though I can't be mad at him when he starts to grind his hips in a downward motion, rubbing our boners together thru each other's pants.

I gasp out at the unexpected friction. "F-fuck!" The moans just naturally flow through my mouth as he continues to grind on me, holding my shoulders tight for support. My mouth just hangs open and my eyes are glued shut as Joe speeds up his pace. Once he notices the love I have for his simplest touch he stops to trail his index fingers up and down my arms making me shiver.

One last time I beg for him to be in my pants, taking his big hand to run up and down my shaft slowly and teasingly. Just thinking about it makes me whine in need. "P-plea- please....." I stutter between moans. "Touch m-me. Touch m-me please.." His lips brush against my helix, and his warm breath encloses my ear, "As you wish."

Joes POV-

I run my hands all over his clothed chest, pinching his nipples hard thru his own shirt. Hm..Something is missing, oh yeah that's right. He still has his clothes on, let's fix that.

My fingers find their own way to the hem of his shirt, and start to pull up. Conveniently Caspar lifts his arm up so it slides over his head easily. Next I get up off of Caspar and stand him up. He gives me this confused face, but I mean to me that's expected because he only knows half of it.

When looking at a new strategy to get his pants off one comes to mind that might be a little enhancement to the situation. Slowly I slide my fingers up from his ankles to his thighs, then squeezing them. A few soft moans escape his lips but not enough in my opinion. I'm done with these pants...In one quick second I rip the pants the rest of the way with full force.

Caspar lost his balance and fell back onto the bed, while I tried to suppress a chuckle. He started to get all red and whine. "Its not funny!" I nod and crawl on top of him. Chest to chest. Boner to boner. I intertwine our legs. "I know it's not, it's actually quite hot." His cheeks flush a deep deep red. "And..." I shift my body to laying on my side, right next to him.

My hand trails from his chest to, sliding a finger around his belly. Caspar gulps harshly. "And what?..." You can tell by the look in his face he's trying to be brave and daring but when you look in his eyes he's questioning and looks curious. Let's give him want he wants Joe...enough play time.

I don't answer. All I do the take my hand and palm his erection. My eyes follow the way the muscles in his neck clinch as he throws his head back, and watch how his mouth just gapes open. Though not even the slightest bit of sound making its way through.

A smile drapes itself across my face when I squeeze his erection and a small groan falls out of his mouth again similar to his groan before but more efficient...or should I say louder. Obviously making it sexier.

Finally I touch him. Like actual touch. My hand slips it's way under the waistline of his boxers. I then trail my fingers along his needful erection. "You like that?" The way he frantically-

(A/N This is the part where the image to the chapter should make sense cx )

Shakes his head up and down, plus the way his back arches. I laugh at him, "you won't last." Caspar smirks at me, "Then don't waste time and fuck me you Twink." You could hear the sting of his words from miles away. "Yes sir." I quickly get on my hands and knees, pull his boxers down to his knees and just letting them fall. Immediately his erection springs free. I can feel the heat in his cheeks in my own.

Carefully I take my hand to his throbbing extraction, afraid to hurt him or to make an unpleasant move. I then move my hand up and down his shaft, then twirling my thumb across his slit as his pre-cum layers my skin. Caspar inhales a sharp breath, arching his back. "For fucks sakes!" His eyes are glued shut, and he's searching for something to hold on to as I continue to play with his erection.

"Hold on to my hair."

"For wha-?" I warn him before I take my lips and place the on the tip of his erection licking his slit, then I take in his whole length to go down on his warm cock, sucking at the base then as I go up, licking at the tip. This becoming a repetitive process. "Holy. fuck. Joe." He whispers through his gritted teeth, grabbing my hair like in reflex and not because I told him too, brushing his hands thru it a few times then finding a firm grip making me wince.

Caspars POV-

The boil in my stomach grows each time Joe bobs his head up and down my shaft and just watching his body do all the work in just such an orderly fashion makes me hungry for him.

My breaths become fast, uneven and rugged. Which also gets in the way of the desired moans and groans falling out of my mouth and into the thin air. "Joe I-I think I m-might-" and just like that I release into his mouth. "Holyfuckmeintheass." Some of my cum runs down the side of his mouth as he blows me back down from my high. Then lifts his head off of my still erect shaft. Damn, it wasn't enough. I still feel needy.

"Of course love." Joe looks up at me with a smirk placed on his face.

"Well that's not entirely what I meant but that'll work too." I chuckle a little to myself. Joe puts his hands around the back of my neck pulling me downwards towards him, his lips brushing against my ear seductively.

"I was gonna fuck you either way."


Heyyyyy ✌🏼️

To me I feel like this chapter wasn't the BEST that I've written for smut. I mean like I'm not that good at writing teasers at all. (In my opinion) But I feel like I'm better at the actual smut.

SOOOOOOOO if you did like it (I highly doubt it) then let me know. (Pls. PLs iM dESPrate) Someone say something? Oh I guess it was just me...Okay I'm weirding myself out.

LOve YOu GuyS - BYE 💕🌚

Twitter: TouchMyOakley

p.s. Let me know if you have any ideas for the actual smut.

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