3 - I wish I was sorry -

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A/N (enjoy the edit!!) The picture was like the only one I thought fit and plus there's not a lot of Jasper edits, or at least not one I can find and some words are spelt like how the UK spells them because while writing this I had the UK keyboard saved. So it switched back and forth from English (U.S.) to English (UK).

Joes POV-

I help prompt Caspar up and onto all fours. The bed dips downwards when I crawl up on to it. I find a spot right behind Caspar, kneeling over his bent body I teasingly I run my hands up and down the back of his thighs, slapping his arse lightly which earned me a slight moan. To return of favour because of such good behaviour I start to rub his entrance with my thumb, slowly pushing in the only tip of my thumb remembering I forgot the lube. "Shit.." Caspar mumbled under his breath. I Chucked slightly, "Sorry, where's the lube?" He blushes hesitating at first but points to the first drawer of his dresser. I stretched over and swiftly pull it out and squirt a generous amount on my three fingers.

I whisper gently to him using a soothing voice to help him feel more secure and relaxed. "I'm just gonna gently stretch you okay?" He nods taking a deep breath and holds it in as I slowly push in my pointer finger all the way up to my knuckle holding it there. Caspar quickly let's the pressure building up out, gasping for air. He slows his breathing down to normal again. "That bad?" He shakes his head no, "No, it's just my way of coping that my best friend is about to fuck me." My head seems to reason with his explanation, "Well that's a first, but instead of thinking about me fucking you ruthlessly just try to breathe." He nods, "I'll try.."

I repeat the process, slowly easing my finger into him. Once again when I'm in all the way to the knuckle I wait for a moment letting him take it in. Just as I advised him to, he continues to breathe, in and out.. in and out. I praise him "Good." Impossibly, Caspar accidentally slides himself more onto my finger when he flinched at my comment, probably because he wasn't expecting me to notice. Gasping out, He arches his back which slowly leads to a whine then a loud moan follows.

"Kinky." I murmur, becoming more aware of my throbbing length. Without any warning I slide in my middle finger with my pointer finger. I maybe slip my fingers in and out three or four times before I start to scissor him. He's very vocal with me, moaning, whining, and groaning each time I move my fingers. Finally I add in the third finger and don't hesitate to shove my fingers in hitting his prostate, or at least what I believe is his prostate because he gives a strong reaction. "Motherfucker!" Caspar hissed. I don't apologize because this is exactly what I hoped for. "Breathe." I command, obeying Caspar starts to breathe throughly and calmly trying to bare with the pain and pleasure. Only allowing his noises show he's enjoying the pleasurable act.

After a while I stop thinking he's stretched enough, ready to move on to the real deal. Where I can finally slide my length into his tight arse, and buck my hips to try to salvage a few extra centimeters I could occupy "Are you ready for me Caspar?...."

Caspars POV-

"Are you ready for me Caspar?..." Joe asks slurring my name at the end making me shudder. I believe I'm ready, I mean we've gone this far.. Probably too late to turn back now, nor do I want too anyways. "Y-Yes Sir." I mumble hoping he heard me, though when I feel the tip of his length press against my entrance I infer he did. Out of instinct I glue my eyes shut, waiting for the pain to come strike me suddenly. "Okay." I heard a click of a cap to a tube, a little squirt, a click again, finally ending with the smoothing sound of Joes moan. "Hopefully this lube with ease the pain."


He grabs my hips steadying them, probably lining himself up with me better. In one quick thrust my entrance leads his enlarged length all the way back to my prostrate, leaving a stingy burning feeling. I keep it together, only letting a small cry fumble out of my mouth. "Fuck." He mutters. Yeah no shit. He repeats his actions from the last time, but instead of pulling out he leaves himself in me just like he did with his fingers. My asshole is involuntarily clenching and releasing itself around Joe, stretching to his size. Then a wave of pleasure floods into my body, making me so weak I couldn't even bare to close my mouth to block all the embarrassing noises escaping me. Joe took this as a 'continue' sign and starts to pound me.

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