4 - I Pick.. -

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3rd person POV-

Caspar laid spread out on the bed naked and horny waiting for Joe to finally get home. He casually played with himself to keep from losing his boner. The slamming of the front door interrupted his hand movements and the very unholy dirty thoughts that were swirling around his mind. As he was paused in his tracks, Caspar listened carefully for Joes footsteps down the stairs. After multiple thud sounds, Caspar no longer heard anymore footsteps. Silence followed for a few moments, but was interrupted by a knock on his bedroom door. The chirpy voice that followed made him panic.

"Hey Caspar, it's Zoey! I'm gonna come in okay?"

Caspar stuttered out a response and he hurriedly covered himself with blankets, "Zoey! Don't- don't open-" But who he saw wasn't the sweet girl he was expecting, but the handsome man he's been waiting for, for hours.

Caspar laid against the headboard of his roommates bed confused, "How?-" Joe held up a recorder, along with placing a finger to his lips, "Shh.." Caspar's words slowly trailed off as all worries before disappeared.


Joe and Caspar sat up from their plush covers both drenched in sweat, and for a moment felt horrified by their previous dream. What on earth provoked this? Why were they dreaming such nonsense? Both very confused, they hurriedly made their way out from under the covers and upstairs to get a glass of water. On their way out they noticed each other simultaneously walking out from their own bedroom.

Caspar awkwardly smiled at Joe, "Whats gotcha up so late?"

Joe coughed and made up a white lie, "Oh nothing really, just have a dry throat. I thought a nice glass of water would do me just fine."

"Oh, well me too," Caspar replied.

Together they both sat down on the couch, sipping their cups. They didn't say anything to each other for a while, but eventually Joe broke the silence, "So uh, I'll be honest.. I had a strange dream about us."

Caspar nodded at the sudden information, "Same. What was yours about?"

"Oh nothing much, just us messing around..."

Caspar could tell Joe was too uncomfortable to talk about it so he dropped it, "It's okay, you don't have to tell me."

"Thank Caspar. Just- Maybe another time?"



Yes, I actually updated. This is not a dream, no need to pinch yourself. It's a crap-tastic ending but at least its ended. I forgot about my account until well now. So uh, I hoped you guys enjoyed this small and very slow.. slow.. slow.. smut.

Much love my little babes. <3

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