Prince Caspian

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It's been a year since i've seen Susan

After we finished packing up everything in the house and sold it I had left and that was it I hadn't been back since

I had also learned that Susan didn't die in the train crash that had killed Peter Lucy and Edmund in this world so I researched her

Apparently she had never married and had died on the day I was born

She had been 74 though I still had hope I would see her again

I had learned she had been buried not far from where I lived so I made a ritual of once a month on the 28th I would leave flowers at her grave

I had just got back from doing that today and now I had to go to school
??? PoV

I was walking through the woods back home after meeting with Glenstorm when I heard hooves

Usually the Telmarines wouldn't come into the woods so I knew something was happening

I was close to home so I pulled the bow of my back and headed to the hooves

I watched as the one in front turned just in time to see a branch but not quick enough to move

He was knocked of his horse and landed right next to the door of some friends

"He's seen us" I heard Nickabrick say

Trumpkin walked to him sword ready when he stopped

He looked at something in the leaves but I couldn't see it until the man picked it up after seeing the horsemen come through

It was my mother's horn

I am Elizabeth Pevensie-Archer Princess of Narnia and this Telmarine had something that belonged to me

Trumpkin ran to the Telmarines as Nickabrick knocked the man out

I came out of hiding as Nickabrick saw me but said nothing as I helped him drag the man inside
Susan PoV

I was flicking through a magazine when I heard a voice next to me

"You go to Saint Finbars" I looked over to see a boy

"That's right" I responded

"I go to Hendon House, Across the road" He spoke "I've seen you, sitting by yourself"

"Yes well, I prefer to be left alone" I told him

Ever since I lost Jake I hadn't been very up for much social interaction

"Me too" He said not getting the hint "What's your name"

"Phyllis" I lied to him

"Susan" I heard Lucy shout immediately after "You better come quickly"

I immediately followed Lucy across the road and into the Underground where we found Peter fighting three boys

Edmund pushed past us not long after and joined the fight before two army men came and broke it up telling peter to 'act his age'

"Your welcome" Edmund spoke

"I had it sorted" Peter said back

"What was it this time?" I asked

"He bumped me" Peter told us

"So you hit him?" Lucy asked

"No he asked me to apologise then I hit in" Peter spoke

"Is it that hard to walk away?" I asked rhetorically

"I shouldn't have to, Don't you ever get tired of being treated like children?" He asked

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