Meeting Trumpkin

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We walked down to a beach when Susan walked ahead

We saw two men with a dwarf in a boat and they were about to throw him over

Susan shit an arrow into the boat as Peter and I ran ahead

"Drop him" Susan shouted

The men had an unsure look then they threw the dwarf overboard

Susan shot one who went for a Crossbow as I jumped into the water and Peter went for the boat

I grabbed the dwarf as he hit the bottom and jumped back up of the river bed quickly resurfacing

I noticed Edmund and Bryce helping with the boat as Lucy and Susan came to me

Lucy used her dagger to cut the rope around the dwarfs wrists and he pulled the cloth off from his mouth and coughed up some water

"Drop him" The dwarf said angrily "That's the best you can come up with"

"A simple thank you would suffice" Susan spoke

"They were doing fine drowning me without your help" The dwarf bit back

I smacked him on the back of the head "Maybe we should've let them, Might teach you some manners"

"Why were they trying to kill you anyway" Lucy asked

"They're Telmarines, That's what they do" The dwarf answered

"Telmarines?" Edmund asked "In Narnia?"

"Where have you been for the last few hundred years?" The dwarf asked sarcastically

"It's a bit of a long story" Lucy responded

The dwarf had a look of realisation as Susan handed me my sword and Edmund handed Peter his

"You've got to be kidding me, Your it, Your the Kings and Queens of old" The dwarf spoke

"High King Peter, the Magnificent" Peter said reaching out his hand

"You probably could've left out the last bit" Susan spoke

"Probably" The dwarf said chuckling

"You might be surprised" Peter said drawing his sword

"Oh you don't want to do that boy" The dwarf spoke

"Not me" Peter said looking at Ed "Him"

Peter handed the dwarf Rhindon and a quick fight started which Edmund won by disarming the dwarf

"Beards and Breadsticks" The dwarf started "Maybe that horn worked after all"

"What horn" Susan asked
Elizabeth PoV

I was sat at a table with Nickabrick and Trufflehunter

"I just fed him some soup, He should be coming around soon" Trufflehunter spoke

"Yeah well I don't think I hit him hard enough" Nickabrick spoke

"Nickabrick he's just a boy" Trufflehunter argued

"He's a Telmarine, Not some lost puppy" Nickabrick argued back "You said you were gonna get rid of it"

"No, I said i'd take care of him" Trufflehunter spoke "We cant kill him now, The princess just bandaged his head" Trufflehunter said gesturing to me

"It would be like murdering a guest" I pointed out

"And how do you think his friends are treating there guests" Nickabrick spoke

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