Chapter 8 - Group Chats

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[ The MS Whores 🤭🔫 ]
Dumbass - Pigman
Can't Spell - Zombie
Actually Smart - Skeleton
Tall Skinny Legend - Enderman
Me - Wither


<Can't Spell> Hey guys look

<Can't Spell> [Attachment - One Image]

<Actually Smart> wtf
When did you take that

<Me> ???

<Dumbass> You both fell asleep in class
Teach said putting you to together was a mistake

<Actually Smart> *two
Also really?
Is he gonna change it

<Me> bc you'd like that wouldn't you
Tbh I would too
Give me early nights back

<Actually Smart> stfu you don't sleep

<Can't spell> is this why you fall aleep in class????

<Actually Smart> yea
I can hear him muttering to himself

<Tall Skinny Legend> It's really late guys. It's 15:45, almost four in the afternoon. You're all going to be tired in class if you stay up all day texting.

<Me> ur saying this like you haven't just text us
U r also up stupid late

<Dumbass> yeah Ender why you up so late

<Tall Skinny Legend> My phone kept going off. I was going to turn it to silent mode but decide to remind you of the time first. You now cannot complain.

[@Enderman is offline]

<Dumbass> right
I'll head to bed then

<Can't Spell> I'll do the same then

<Actually Smart> Goodnight @Enderman @Pigman @Zombie

[@Zombie is offline]
[@Pigman is offline]

<Me> and me?

<Actually Smart> kys.

[@Skeleton is offline]

<Me> oh

[@Wither is offline]


Skeleton lay in bed, wide awake. He stared at the ceiling, looking for nothing in particular. He couldn't sleep.

Wither wasn't helping. Skeleton could hear him muttering to himself in the other room.

Skeleton shuddered and tried to block him out. He still hated his roommate. Did this make him racist? No. No it didn't, right? Fuck. Now his mind was running on overdrive and he wouldn't be able to sleep.

Skeleton sighed and turned on his back. The sun shone through his window, and his mind suddenly filled with trepidation.


Trepidation (A Wither x Skeleton Monster School Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now