Chapter 4-- In the light of despair

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The next morning Natasha's eyes opened to the sight she witnessed....Crow!, he was still vast asleep next to her naked wrapped in all the bed sheets 'Typical men' she thought to herself as slowly she crept out of his bed and after stealing one of his cloaks to cover herself and wandering out of his sight her ghost appeared next to her "Seems you had some fun guardian" her ghost whispered seemly mocking the awkward sight "You can make fun of me later ghost just get me back to my quarters please" Natasha angrly whispered as her ghost nodded and transmated her away from the helm and away from Crow in general. Meanwhile at the tower inside her quarters Ghosty and Kara await the return of their friend "Ghost i'm starting to get worried, what if Crow did something to Nat?" Kara said with a tone of worry as she stares down her best friends side of the room "Hey! Natasha is fine if anything Kara she fell asleep at the bar and Mithrax is probably watching her until she awakens" Ghosty replied nudging Kara in the shoulder before speaking again "I'm sure she'll be here so-" he was quickly interrupted as Natasha's wince of pain hit the room's ambiance "Ughh..Next time ghost just transmat me while i'm standing up please, not on while i'm naked and walking up a flight of stairs on a ship for travelers sake" Nat said as she stood up before making eye contact with her two friends that had just overheard this info, she stood there with a stunned expression written on her face before she spoke "Uhhhh hey guys", "WHAT IN THE VANGUARDS NAME HAPPENED TO YOU" Kara shouted loudly at her before Ghosty brought Kara down a notch "Hey, hey Kara take an easy...there's no need to lash on her like that" he replied as he turned back to Natasha.

"Please don't freak out guys i know this is what it looks like and.....unfortunately it is" Natasha replied and began to explain everything and her friends took it all in, Kara became the most wide eyed at the information she was just given, the fact that her best friends so called 'Shadow stalker' basically smooth talked Natasha into sleeping with him....Even Ghost sat there stunned! but they all agreed to keep it a secret between the three of them "We'll tell Zavala that you've got a massive hangover and won't be able to attend the morning debrief" Ghost said as Kara and him stood up to leave and Kara told Natasha to comlink her through her ghost if she needs anything before following Ghost out the door leaving Natasha in utter disbelief, The fact she could've fallen so deep for someone she just barely knows....Now more than ever Natasha knew she had to keep it a secret, But she wasn't to let some bullshit love hangover stop her from doing her duties as a guardian as she stood up from the edge of her bed "Ghost notify Zavala i'll be at the debrief soon" Nat said as she opened her loadout armory and grabbed her chosen armour and bolted out the door

(Here's the armor for anyone wondering....and yes this is a drip of my making) 

When Natasha had arrived at Zavala's office the door was already closing

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When Natasha had arrived at Zavala's office the door was already closing..She was cutting this pretty close but managed to slip in before the doors fully shut, Natasha had managed to find Kara and Ghost in the crowd as the debrief began and Zavala broke the silence "As we all are aware the witness and his army threaten the traveller and our connection to the light.....We need to strengthen our connection of allies outside the city" as Caital continued, Then Mithrax, And Saladin..Over the Couse of the meeting Natasha sensed that something was someone was following her and as her eyes scanned the room she found it....a Powerful pair of Golden eyes staring from a fair and it took no genius to know whom...But she was quickly snapped back to reality as she heard her name spoken and quickly turned her head "Commander!" she said sturnley "I need you to stay behind for a bit after this..Ikora would like to speak with you about an upcoming mission that might just be right up your fancy" Zavala replied as nat nodded in return and he continued handing out the mission objectives for this week "So whadda think Ikora wants to see you for Nat? I sure as hell hope she didn't find out about last night" Kara replied as she turned to Natasha with a small serious look her face "I god hope not Kara....But he said a new mission so i dont think that's why" Natasha replied, One by one all guardians and vanguard allies and contacts left the room until Only Ikora and Natasha stood Standing alone in the commanding office.

Natasha in the back of her mind had a split sense, one half told herself that maybe Kara was right! Ikora found out about her One night stand with Crow...But on the other half a brand new mission assignment! a new change of scenery would be great for awhile for her after all the bullshit Nat has went through!

To be continued!!!-----See you in chapter 5!

----hey guys witch version of this question do you all think will play out? besure drop a comment here of your guys guesses and ill give a hot or cold answer....and i cant wait for ya'll to see my surprise the next chapter you guys are gonna love it, i wont spoil  


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