Chapter 5--- The First True Test Of Trust

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P.S--  for anyone who wants the ambiance to feeling when Natasha comes face to face with her 'Partner' please wait to play the song i've got linked 

Natasha's Thoughts ran rampant in her mind as her and Ikora stood in the now very empty office, She wondered if Crow spilled the truth about what happened that night or if this really was about a brand new assignment... after a moment Ikora finally broke the silence "I'll cut right to the chase Natasha, Zavala has something you might just be qualified for" she said as she snapped her fingers and a folder appeared into Natasha's hands and as she read the front text her eyes went wide and her face painted in confusion "uhhh Ikora this contains information on a Guardian, cayde-6 to be more specific!"  nat said quickly skimming through the pages, "That's correct! Cayde is coming to the tower with a guest, His cousin to be more polite.....commander Zavala has placed him under your training" Ikora replied before walking over to Natasha and placing her hand on her shoulder "I Believe you'll do great at this Natasha...and besides Zavala has you on commanding lead for the upcoming Awoken masquerade you could-" Ikora spoke before begin interrupted by Natasha's laughter "bring this guy as my date....C'mon Ikora be real, I mean i'll train him but A DATE with him" she replied as she turned walking out as Ikora followed out beside her as she replied "Well then who are you going take Natasha?", Nat scoffed the question as they left the corridor and stepped into the the doors close someone managed to slip in with them.

Natasha turned her head to find Crow in the elevator making the same eye contact to her as she was giving to him, The two were quickly snapped out of their trance as the elevator doors dinged opening to the annex corridor, the three stepped out as Ikora turned to Nat "be sure to be ready soon Cayde will be here soon" she said walking away to the courtyard leaving Natasha and Crow the hallway alone.....Crow stood next to her Scanning her face for something to say as she turned to walk away he grabbed her arm "Let go of me Crow i don't have time for this" Nat said with a stern tone as Crow's grip tightened "please Natasha i just wanna talk-" he replied as Nat pulled her arm away and pushed him off her "THERE'S NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT CROW!!...what happened that night was never supposed to happen....And it can never happen again Crow" Natasha yelled out in anger to him as Crow stood in shock, As Natasha realized the state she left Crow in she took a breathe in as she grabbed his hand "Crow....i do feel what you feel towards me, but-", "It can't happen because of Zavala....i know Natasha, at least i let my feelings be known to you" Crow interrupted her as he let himself free of her grip and walked off leaving Natasha alone. Even though she felt destroyed after what she had just said to someone who she just yesterday night shared an incredible evening with she had bigger fish to fry as she walked off to the tower's courtyard.


After running through the rest of her daily routine schedule it was finally time to meet up with Cayde and Natasha's soon to be protégée partner, She stood in the center of the tower courtyard alongside Zavala and Ikora as a vanguard escort ship came into view and transmated from it came two exos....Cayde-6, Hunter vanguard and someone whom almost looked identical to him. zavala smiled and walked towards cayde and shook his hand in honor "Cayde my friend it's amazing to see you after so long", "Ehhh i missed you to Zavala, you to Ikora Now-" Cayde replied as he clapped his hands together before continuing "- Where's this Undefeated guardian you told me about Ikora" Cayde finished as Natasha stepped forward and answered him "That would be me sir...Natasha Romanoff at your service!" she said saluting him "At ease soldier...I'd like you to meet your new partner" Cayde replied as he stepped aside and revealed him,(For anyone who wants the ambiance, play the song now Skip to 0:48)  the exo stepped into the sunlight revealing his gear, A gorgeous red and black sunlit attire with Golden adornments and his back baring a Reddish- black Assault rifle and an exo face as amazing as his armour, Natasha stood almost starstruck at him but kept her composure as he held his hand to her "Hi im Zack, cousin of Cayde-6..It's an Honor to meet you commander" he said as he saluted Natasha as she let herself free of his grip "At ease Zack...It's a pleasure to meet you as well" Natasha replied as she stepped to his side, Ikora eventually backed away from Zavala and walked over to Natasha and Zack "Natasha!...Would you mind showing zack to his quarters, it's on the simulation level overlook" Ikora asked in her normal stern tone as Natasha agreed and Ikora backed off. 

Zack watched as Ikora walked off back to the annex courtyards corridor and as he turned his eyes he found Natasha Polishing her scout rifle, Even though he knew nothing about her Zack felt his mind wander of how truly beautiful she was, her emerald green eyes and an amazing amount of Red hair, he was quickly snapped back to reality as Cayde came up behind him and put his hand on Zack's shoulder "you're gonna be fine Zack!", "You think so Cuz.....I mean Zavala handpicked her for me" zack replied as he waited on Natasha's lead, Cayde informed him just to breathe and take your emotions out inside the simulation training programs before walking off joining Zavala and Ikora in Vanguard war room, Natasha snapped him back to reality as she snapped her finger next to him "C'mon Hunter lets go...we've got quite the walk" Natasha said as she locked her rifle on her back and the two began their first step into their partnership. While walking through the lower levels of the tower Natasha and Zack Talked each wanted to know more about the other after every sentence spoken, eventually they reached the simulation Training level the two came to a halt at a steel door with a handprint lock on it "You use ur hand to open it like this" Natasha says grabbing Zack's hand and placing it on the door, Zack could hear his own heart beating as her soft skin brushed his metal palms of his hands...Zack snapped out of his trance as the door opened as his hands was released from Natasha's grasp as she spoke "there you now have access to everything your private quarters can give you, i'll let you get settled for your first night then tomorrow we train all day......Training begins 5:00 am sharp" Zack gave her a nod as he stepped inside, as he turned to close the door the two made eye contact with each the door slowly closed Zack and Natasha spoke back to one another "Natasha!" Zack said softly as the door came near close......"Zack!" Natasha finished as the door sealed fully separating their gaze to each other..As Natasha walked away from the door as her gaze turned to now find herself in a new predicament as she shut her eyes in embarrassment "shit".

See y'all in chapter 6..make your guesses for whom she found watching her when she was with Cayde-6's cousin....And what did you guys think of my surprise of the return of cayde (WOW GUYS 12,81 words)       

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