My back ached as an answer | FW + Y/N

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WARNINGS: This is really just unprotected filthy ass smut with fluff(?) and a little female oral receiving with a lot of praise. Slow burn, rough.


„Hello, Y/N."

It had been a good evening at the party so far. Too good- I thought for a second, as Cormac's words hit my ears and I immediately shivered. Everyone, but not Cormac, I thought. Everyone. Why did it have to be him?

„Hello Cormac," I said, my voice more aggressive as I thought it would be. But to be honest I didn't care. I wanted him to fuck off.

„You're all alone here, don't you feel a bit lonely, sweetie?," he taunted and tried to lay his hand on my back. I backed away. „Not really. The boys will be back soon. What do you want, Cormac?," I hissed.

„Talk to you. I know you want someone else to talk to, but since he is very.. occupied with," he pointed to the couch on which Fred and the blonde Ravenclaw girl sat on and talked. In fact, they already did this since the party started. He didn't even once take a look at me. „this girl. You know that I'm the best you can get for tonight."

All I wanted to do is to smack his face.

I didn't know my feelings for Fred were so obvious. Funny, almost. Everyone knew, but he seemed not to.

„Fuck off Cormac. Do you really think I couldn't have anyone I want? Look at me. I look gorgeous." My voice trailed off at the last sentence which made Cormac's mouth twist into a dirty grin. „Come on, Y/N. You're alone.. I'm alone.. let's have some fun?"

„Flirting with whats mine? You must want to die," Fred's voice suddenly errupted out of the loud music behind us. His voice sent shivers down my spine. Without a reason I suddenly felt guilty.

„And what do you have to do with it, Weasley? I can flirt with whoever I want," Cormac stated and approached Fred. I couldn't see Fred. I didn't dare to move and take a look behind me. I knew: If I'd speak now, Fred would hear how shaky my voice was. I needed to calm down first.

„I give you one chance, Cormac. Fuck off, just as Y/N said, or you'll see how good my fist fits to your face."

My eyelids fluttered. „Leave," I whispered to Cormac. He sent one last death stare to Fred and finally left us alone with a loud sigh.

„The hell was that, Y/N?"

I could almost feel how Fred's eyes narrowed to slits.

My breath got hitchy.

I needed to control myself.

„First, I didn't know I was yours. Second, I didn't know you're the jealous type?," I choked out. I still didn't dare to move under his stare. „And why do you recognize me now and not earlier?"

„I'm not."

Fred came one step closer. I could feel the warmth of his body directly behind me.

„Oh c'mon, we both know what you're doing here. You're clearly upset."

His voice sounded louder in my ears as the music, as he answered after a few seconds.

„I'm not upset."

Finally I turned around, only to find myself only inches away from his face. „Then what is your problem?," I mumbled breathless.

What he could do to me with his bare existance was unbelievable.

„I just don't want you to talk to other guys," Fred stated, but I interrupted him as my inner Brat came out. „Make me," I whispered.

„I was hoping you'd ask me to."

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