This Marcus guy was starting to bother me. Ever since we'd sat down in the limo he's been trying to make me sit closer to him. I tried to have some sort of patience with him, but that wasn't going to happen.
He placed a hand on my knee before starting to convince me to come over towards him by saying, "Come on, babe. Scoot a little closer."
"Don't ever, ever, call me babe. I am not your babe, doll, sweetheart, or whatever else you're going to nickname me," I snapped at him, letting a low warning growl resonate from my throat.
"Alright, fine," He huffed, moving his hand away from my thigh.
- - -
I wasn't impressed by what he had planned. It was most likely because it was with him, but I convinced myself I wasn't for dinner dates like this. The place may have had expensive decor and food, but it wasn't going to blind me of what Marcus was doing. There was no way I was going to try to date this guy, not even for the sake of pleasing my parents.
We were eating right now and he was a fucking slob. He had his fingers covered in whatever BBQ sauce they put on the ribs and his little bit of a beard was getting coated in the stuff. I wanted to bail on this guy, and I think I have the perfect plan for doing it.
"Hey, umm, Marcus?" I say to get his attention. The way he was eating made me quite uncomfortable.
"Mhm?" He asked, swallowing whatever food he had in his mouth after speaking.
"I'm going to use the restroom. I'll be back whenever I'm done."
I got up at a reasonable pace, not too slow or fast. I then began to walk towards the area of the restroom, glancing at Marcus to see if he was looking at me. And he was. Dammit, guess we're going to have to do this the hard way.
After entering the men's restroom, I looked around for some place out. There were no windows that lead out of this place, which was highly upsetting for me. A guy with long brunette hair, brown eyes, a snapback with his suit, and a little short than me was standing at the sink. He looked at me in the mirror before finally looking back at his hands and moving them away from the water, which turned off due to their motion sensors. The man didn't bother to dry his hand by a blow dryer, instead he used a few napkins that were set out. His scent was mixed between another werewolf pack and artificial smells of soap.
"Trying to get away from someone?" He asked, looking slightly amused, but he had a tough-guy act to him. I wondered if he was some sort of mind reader, but figure he must have known because of how I was looking for windows in this bathroom.
"It's none of your business," I snap though I regretted it instantly. Why did I regret that?
"That may be so, but I can tell when a person is wanting to get away from someone," he paused to study my confused expression, "if you don't want people to know you were looking for a way out, try being more subtle about it."
"You shouldn't be worrying about this," I say, starting to turn around to go somewhere, though I wasn't sure.
"I can't help but worry. Especially when someone as innocent as you is looking desperate for a way out. What is it? Bad date?" He seemed sarcastic with his first two sentences.
I stopped suddenly, glancing at the man and wondered how he knew I was on a bad date. I quickly assumed it was a lucky guess.
"I'm guessing that I am right?" He lost his serious attitude and smiled a bit. This guy was a bit weird.
"I can help you get away from them if you want me to?" He suggested, but something told me that even if I said no he'd still help me get away from Marcus.
"What's the catch?" I asked, more like demanded.
"There's no catch?" He raised a bushy eyebrow at me.
"You sure?"
"Do you want there to be a catch?"
"No, not really."
"Then don't push it," he paused for a brief moment to move towards the door, "What does he look like?"
Moments later I found myself walking down the sidewalk and towards my pack grounds. The man, who I learned was Vic Fuentes, walked next to me. I had figured out his name shortly after we abandoned Marcus at the restaurant. While we walked I was obviously nervous and fidgety.
The city has a few other pack members of different areas here. And with other packs here means that omegas like me were in danger. The other packs are always trying to go after one another's submissives, mostly unmated ones like myself. Vic and I were not a match for a gang of pack members if we ran into them.
This fact put me on edge the entire time I walked throughout the city with Vic. He had convinced me early on that he wasn't like those poor bastards, as he had put it. I wasn't completely sure about his motives at first, but I finally let him walk me home after he explained why he wanted to. He told me it was because he didn't want Marcus to come up to me and threaten me in some manner, but I didn't believe him. It was strange for a stranger to be protective of another stranger. And his excuse was odd.
Despite being cautious of Vic, his presence was a lot more pleasant than Marcus', and his protectiveness was something I didn't mind. He made me feel more comfortable than I have ever been with someone in this part of the city.
- - -
We walked all the way to my parent's territory. I wondered how we hadn't been stopped by any of the patrols, but figured they must have thought that this was the guy that my parents had paired me with for the evening. I paused and looked at Vic curiously. I realized that I was starting to stare at him and began speaking.
"See you around," I say, smiling lightly. I didn't want to see him leave for some strange reason.
Whatever I was feeling wasn't right. He was some neighboring pack member who shouldn't be around me. But it made sense that he'd stick around. Vic was a future alpha and I was supposed to be an alpha's mate. If he wanted me to be his he could have kidnaped me, forced himself onto me- rape me like those animals in the city would do if they caught me alone. Vic could even put some sort of bonding mark on me to force me to be his.
But he didn't do any of these things and had made it clear he wasn't going to. Instead of doing any of these things he leads me home, mindlessly flirting with me on the way. The weird part about it was that I didn't mind it, unlike I did with every other man my parents have tried to pair me with. It felt like there was some sort of natural bond between us. Which I couldn't understand at this moment.
"Yeah, hopefully," he smiled lightly and then left me standing in front of my home. As I walked towards the front door I began to think about how I would explain my night to my parents, especially my mother.
- - -
Edited by crashedintothesky + myself

Wicked (Kellic)
FanfictionKellin Quinn was made to submit, but he refuses to submit for anyone. As a future holder of the pack, his parents want him to reproduce with his mate and create more heirs for the pack's alpha ranking. The only problem is that Kellin doesn't want to...