A/N- I couldn't decide how I wanted to do this chapter and I rewrote this at least three times until I was satisfied with it. Sorry that it's late.
I awoke screaming my head off, images of burnt corpses and how it possibly happened haunted me. I sat upright, the room was lighter now, rays of sunlight peered through the cracks in the curtains. The atmosphere and the hue of the room indicate that it was early in the morning. I look at the door to see a person standing there, the person was a child.
She looked like she was at least five years old, her hair dark with coffee-colored waves stretched to her elbows. Her eyes were so dark they were nearly black and her facial features were angular even though they still held baby fat on them. It was difficult to get a proper look of her features with her being that far away. The olive colored girl wore a baby blue colored dress, on top was a black vest. I didn't pay attention to her what was on her feet.
I stared at her for a few seconds, not really knowing what to do. The girl glanced down the hallway both ways before walking into the room, a look of curiosity plastered onto her facial features. She also looked slightly worried, but I had no clue why. Instead I watched her intently, trying to figure this girl out.
"Are you alright?" She asked out of curiosity. Her voice was soft spoken and honeyed.
"Why wouldn't I be?" I croaked, my throat still parched and sleep strewn throughout my voice.
"Your family. They died, didn't they?"
"Yes, but I'll be alright. I'll get over it." I answered, keeping my voice strong and firm. What I said seemed to be directed more to myself than to the girl in a sense, but to her it might have seemed directed to her mostly. I wasn't for sure what the intelligence level of the child was and her understanding of emotions and such.
"You sure mister? I heard screaming coming from your room. I thought it was because of that." She paused, looking a little confused. "Were you the one screaming?"
"I..." I started, but I wasn't for sure how to answer her. Her soulless eyes bore into mine.
"I got you something to stop your nightmares." She pulled out a dream-catcher, the feathers on it were different shades of greens, blues, and purples. In the middle of it was a sewed wolf and a native American head art piece.
"Thank you..." I say, taking the dream-catcher awkwardly.The girl grew anxious, her attention seemed to be somewhere else now.
"Moma and papa are calling for me," She stated, turning around on her heel and bounding down the hallway.
I took a look at the dreamcatcher once again, furrowing my eyebrows slightly I noticed something was off about it. I couldn't place my finger on it though. After pondering on the thought for a few more minutes, I placed the dreamcatcher on the bedside table and laid back down in bed, but I stopped short when I noticed Vic standing there in the bedroom door now.
"Um...Here are some clothes for you." Vic said once he noticed I had his attention.
"Thank-" My voice cracked a bit, causing me to clear it. "Thank you."
"There should already be some shampoo and stuff in the bathroom if you want to take a shower or something. . ." I trailed off, the atmosphere became awkward real quick. "I'll be going with you to get some clothes and other things in an hour." He placed the clothes in my hands before going to turn around.
"Vic, thank you." This caught Vic's attention, he turned quickly and faced me. "If you hadn't taken me out last night, I'd probably be dead by now. And if you hadn't decided to take me in Lupin knows where I'd be now."
"It's the least I can do." He paused, his dark caramel eyes meeting my azure ones. "I'll help you out as much as I feel like you deserve."
"That's understandable. I'll do my best not to get on your nerves in this case." There was a short pause. "I'm going to go on and wash up, see you later." I smiled reluctantly before starting to walk towards the bathroom, which singled Vic to leave the room.
- -
I quietly sorted through my new clothes, placing them neatly in their drawers while Vic and Tony, a friend of Vic's, set up a bookshelf for some of the books I had convinced Vic to buy. With careful pricing, he ended up purchasing this nice bookshelf. I ended up promising that I would repay for the things through helping out around the pack and such.
I was nearly done with putting away my clothes when I felt an intense pain that ran from the front part of my brain all the way through the back. I stopped doing what I was doing and grabbed a hold of the dresser, my limbs began to quickly lose their strength and the world around me was blurred. Whatever was being asked of me was muffled and nothing could be made out properly. I don't now what overcame me, but the urge to transform started to pick away at me. My inner wolf begged me to allow him to come forth. I was hesitant into allowing it, but I did it anyways.
My limbs shifted quickly. My bones shaped themselves into that of a wolf, clothes shredded off of me and brown fur quickly covered my bare body. The result was a wolf with a light brown coat, my face and legs held a darker brown that as nearly black. My silver eyes locked onto Vic and Tony. They were startled, and I didn't blame them for it. If it was them who had changed without warning I'd be surprised too.
The pain was suddenly gone, the pressure lifted up and only a dull and barely noticeable pain remained. But that soon faded too.
"Kellin. Hey, what are you doing?" It was Vic's voice that I noticed first. My eyes locked on Vic's for a brief moment before glancing over at Tony.
My ears flicked at the sound of a child crying. I move my ears towards the sound before taking off after it. My claws made a clinking sound on the hardwood floor and two sets of thumping followed after me. It was obvious Vic and tony were following me.
I kept running along the house, making twists and turns before finally stopping at a door that was slightly opened. I pushed it open with my nose, my eyes settled on an infant in a crib. I walked towards it, sniffing the child. The baby had stopped crying suddenly, it looked up at me. I watched it curiously, before feeling a slight tug on my fur.
A sound of discomfort came from my mouth, causing the child to stop and look at me in awe. This confused me. Had this child never seen a wolf before?
"Kellin. Step away from the baby." The voice was firm and harsh. I glanced behind me to see Vic walking towards me cautiously.
I glanced back at the baby, sniffing it once more. I went to walk away, but the sudden sound of a crying infant pierced my ears. I looked back at the baby, it's blue eyes still on me. I looked back at Vic and Tony before looking back at the child.
I sat down in the middle of the room, looking at Vic and whining slightly. He muttered something under his breath before walking next to me, he looked straight at the baby and then to me.
"Be careful with her." He was firm with his words and I knew he meant it. So I was careful. I didn't make any sudden movements around the child. My head rested on the edge of the crib side that was down, and I watched her.
"Her name is Evelyn. She a child of Lilith, her mother convinced us to take her because she couldn't protect her or tend to her needs."
I would have asked him about that, but I couldn't speak in my wolf form. I glanced around the room, spotting a baby blue knitted blanket. I grabbed it with my teeth, pulling it down gently and began to shift back. But that was proven difficult and I was only able to switch back most of the way. My eyes still remained bright blue and my teeth wouldn't shift back to normal along with the finger nails and toe nails.
"I didn't mean to change, I'm sorry." I began, looking at both Vic and Tony apologetically.
"Just go back to your room, I'll go with Tony to get a doctor."
And with those words I left the room, but not without giving one last glance at Evelyn.
- - -

Wicked (Kellic)
FanfictionKellin Quinn was made to submit, but he refuses to submit for anyone. As a future holder of the pack, his parents want him to reproduce with his mate and create more heirs for the pack's alpha ranking. The only problem is that Kellin doesn't want to...