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A/N- Ayeee double updatesss

I awoke three days later with a foggy mind. I couldn't quite remember what had happened during those three days. I never could whenever I was in heat, but I do remember Vic being there. The faint memories of us fucking and him bonding me with that mating mark made me realize something. We were mates now. Something I had also realized was that my heat had stopped earlier than normal. I guessed it was because of the mating, but who knows. I rolled over and faced Vic. He was already awake and his eyes were staring down at me sleepily.

"G'morning," I mumble in a croaky voice, ignoring the urge to bury my face in his chest.

"Good morning." He gave a subtle morning kiss. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired..." I mumble, finally giving into that urge and burying my head on his chest.

"You haven't eaten all that much these past few days. And we stayed awake until five a.m. last night because you insisted on it." He reminds me, a hand ran through my hair gently. I leaned into the touch slowly.

"It was worth it, though..." My voice was muffled, but he still heard me.

"It was." He agrees, his free arm wraps around me and his hand then began to rub my back lightly, which was oddly comforting.

"Can we eat?" I asked after ten solid minutes of just laying there and enjoying his embrace.

"Yeah." He released me from his embrace and we moved off of the bed. I pulled on a pair of clean boxers and sweats, not bothering with a shirt. We had took a shower shortly prior to going to bed, as we knew we wouldn't want to take one in the morning, so we didn't worry about that.

"Here." Vic handed me a sweater. "I don't want you to get sick anytime soon."

I was going to refuse the offer, but I accepted it anyways. Mostly because it was Vic's sweater and his scent was something I couldn't get enough of, and also because it was quite chilly in the cabin. I pulled on some socks while Vic got dressed. He pulled out some sweats and socks from his side of the drawer, but no shirt. I wasn't too concern with it as Alphas tended to have a better time at keeping their body temperature was more stable than a submissive.

"C'mon." I say, grabbing a hold of his hand carefully and pulling him softly towards the doorway. He followed without any resistance.

- -

After Vic and I were done eating, we decided to sit back and relax for a few more hours before going back to Vic's place. We had just settled into a position when there was a harsh knock on the front door. I glanced in the general direction before looking at Vic.

"Go on, answer it." I get up off of him so he stand up.

He left me alone in the bedroom, which I didn't mind since I knew he'd be back. Moments later vic stood at the door, he seemed nervous.

"Kellin, my parents are here and they want to talk to both of us."

I opened my eyes and looked at him in surprise, I didn't think they would have come here this early.

"Weren't they suppose to be here on Friday?"

"Today is Friday." Vic walks over to me, motioning for me to get out of bed.

"Fuck," I mutter under my breath.

Within the next few minutes I found myself seated on the couch in the living area of the cabin, Vic had a protective arm around me while his parents spoke. I didn't pay much attention to what they said, I just tuned them out and tried to act like I was listening, but I wasn't at all.

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